How to stream tablet videos to HDMI TV using PS3


Dec 17, 2012
Ok.. this might get a bit tricky as I did a search and only came up with expensive options. I know there must be a way to watch what I have on my tablet on my tv using my ps3. Now, I already can watched downloaded movies, music and photos use a media streaming app (imediashare lite) which is free.. what i like is to be able to watch videos from different sites other than youtube. Is there a free or cheap app that will help?
I know there are devices for $50+ on up that will do this.. but i cant afford that. This is the direction where our technology is headed, watching on big screens but controlling it with a tablet. I have a modded HP touchpad running cyanogen android.. so I cant directly hook up HDMI to pS3 or tv from touchpad. If I run my charger to ps3 USB, will my tablet screen come out on TV? Its probably true that many of us out here dont even know this is possible, but I like to get a bit more from my tablet. If any of you have a chance to buy a cheap touchpad, do it.. i think a modded touchpad is great.
I really appreciate any and all reasonable feedback.
Thank you very much.