Looking for a tablet..for school, for entertainment, for well about anything.


Sep 4, 2011
I need one for school, reading, checking weather, fb, email, and well play games while waiting for doctor appts or whatever.

I am looking as Asus, IPAD 2, Thrive, Xoom.

My wants ~ (is there a tablet that has a card slot?)
Games, weather, email, apps, (I am looking for Autism apps as well because both of my boys have it and they are handy when waiting for the nurse to come get them or whatever.)
Is there a tablet that is netflix enabled?
School use as well.
I read as well and do have the Nook but would like to be able to get Amazon/kindle books.

I am not wanting cheap ones I want one that will get updates and willing to pay for a good quality 4.5-5 stars. GOOD REVIEWS.
I like to show off pictures of my kids and would like to be able to put photos on it as well.