Looking for an Android tablet


Dec 8, 2010
Hi there,

I am new to this forum and wanted to ask you guys which tablet I should buy. I also need some advice on some of the specifications. I'm from the Netherlands btw.

- Price range: up to 300 euro's (max.)
- Screen resolution: 5, 7 or 10 inch. I am totally clueless, because I want the portability and the screensize for easy browsing. Maybe the 7'' will be a nice compromise?
- What will I be doing: Mostly surfing, e-mailing, watching video's and that kind of stuff. I also like some games on the thing, but it isn't VERY important.
- Capacitive screen is a must.

I don't like cheap stuff from china. I appreciate a little bit of quality and guarantee :cool:
We have many customers from Netherlands,There is a customer buy a 7 inch capacitive touch screen Tablet PC from us.
you can browse this website see the details ,we will show you more information.7 inch iPhone 4 appearance Tablet PC Capacitive screen support multi-touch D10 [sku2270] - US$229.99 : CES-shopping
We have so many customers from Netherlands,there is a customers bought a 7 inch capacitive touch screen tablet PC from us,
you can browse this website see the more details,and we can show you more information about this tablet.
7 inch iPhone 4 appearance Tablet PC Capacitive screen support multi-touch D10 [sku2270] - US$229.99 : CES-shopping
Someone please delete the above answers. That's why I don't buy chinese tablets...
There are a few chinese tablets that have good build quality and a good implementation of the Android os. If you want something from a more famous brand I think only the Archos 70 is in your price range. Otherwise...you can take a look at the link in my signature. It is a comparison between different Android tablets.