Modifying ROMS of Android tablets infosite


Oct 26, 2010
Hi there, I've recently pulled up a forum where I share all my secrets considering modifying the android tablet roms, like changing the desktop layout, adding software, changing default settings and locations. Atm there are about 15 topics, read and learn how to mod a rom without the need to find it out yourself:

Pre-modding general settings
Browser's password storage location
Modifying the default browser bookmarks
Changing default opening location of the filebrowser
Changing default snap (photo) directory
Modding some default settings like gps, sounds, lock...
HowTo preset the default browser settings
Changing the ROM's home (desktop) layout / shortcuts
Altering ROM Memsize/Swapsize
Viewing / Converting movies
All about wallpaper modding in the rom
Slipstreaming (pre-deploying) apps in rom
Change bootlogo animation
Change bootlogo
General steps editing SCRiPTCMD

The board is located @, it's open to public for now, this will change soon into only registered users.

Only opened to registered users, registration is free.
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Nice tips. If you can get some devs on board, that would be nice.

But I see the VIA chipsets to be on the dying end. So...
Nice tips. If you can get some devs on board, that would be nice.

But I see the VIA chipsets to be on the dying end. So...

Thanks, some took quite a lot of time to figure out :) so I'm happy to share this gained knowledge with others. Some tips I've already copied and pasted here on the forums to help people, like redeagle's ram question.

Yea the VIA chipset is dying, good! it's not too bad but not that good as well so I can live without those. ATM I have a Q7, which is remarkable faster.