NC Rooted - Getting Back to Original Loader?


Dec 26, 2010
I admit to the bumbling and stumbling of a newbie.

Is there any way to get back to the original loader? Last night I was able to have my Win7 system recognize the HDs in the nook but after the next connection it stopped. I realized that during the recognition the NC operated much the same as it did originally including the original background and the left to right slider.
I doubt this is the case, but for others with a similar problem I might note: if you root with the autonooter, and have the nifty NookColor Tools in your app list, there is an important function available.

(1) Select NookColor Tools -> All Settings -> Development
(2) At the bottom of Development is an option, "Auto Mount"

If Auto Mount is turned off, there is no reaction on either your PC or Nook when you plug it in with USB. Can definitely make you think something is wrong!
