Hello my name is Kristine I created this account to allow my three kids to access information for the new tablets they are getting for Christmas. I have been married for 17 years. We have three kids two are in public school and I home school the youngest. My oldest is a girl who is 17 in 11th grade and is very good at sports. She is getting a Jazz tablet for Christmas and it will require her to get apps not on the amazon kindle account. My oldest son is 14 almost 15, he bought himself the ematic 4.3 touch screen internet media player from hastings and we are having problems getting games on it. I need help so he will like the tablet and not want to return it and give up on the idea of having one. He is impatient like his dad and new electronic things just don't jive with them. My youngest is a boy he is 12 and like I stated I home school him. He is just not ready for the school setting. He was premature and still has trouble with keeping up with the grade level.
I like to sew, play my guitar, play with my kindle fire and cook. I do not always understand all the internet stuff and the things needed to get the devices to work. I would love to get to know some of you and have a chance to learn about the android tablets. If you can help me get my kids to love their tablets then I would be happy.
I like to sew, play my guitar, play with my kindle fire and cook. I do not always understand all the internet stuff and the things needed to get the devices to work. I would love to get to know some of you and have a chance to learn about the android tablets. If you can help me get my kids to love their tablets then I would be happy.