Nook Color Get's Kindle Apps... Detailed Instructions For That And More


Sep 21, 2010

The Nook Color was built for nothing but using Barnes and Nobile preparatory applications, but the latest hacks are changing all that. Just recently, a hack was released that allows you to use the Kindle application on your Barnes and Nobile Nook Color. This hack, unlike others, is quite easy to use and reversible encase of warranty issues. This procedure is actually just a simple root, and from there you can enable the market and get access to Gmail app, Youtube app, and apparently kindle app.

Users will a USB cable, a microSD card of at least 128MB and an SD card reader if their computer doesn’t have one. In terms of software, on Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 32 or 64 bit users will need Win32DiskImager.exe, but on Mac or Linux they can get by with tools that ship with the operating system.

Here is what the developer said
"While this works, it’s not 100 percent. Initially I had some problems with apps not downloading via the market app. Reboot fixed that," he says. "Kobo app for android logs in and displays the list of books but then all books get stuck in 'Waiting for download' state. Kindle app didn’t have such problems."

Get it done (Read Kindle books on Nook Color | Amazon Kindle 3 and Kindle DX Review and News Blog)