Pandigital R70E200 help

Jun 15, 2012

My godmother recently gave me her Pandigital R70E200 e-reader as a hand-me-down. I'm not completely computer illiterate but I've spent most of my time with Apple products. I'm trying to figure out how this thing works. I don't know if it's too old to be able to get apps? I saw there was a firmware update and I downloaded onto the thing but I don't know how to install it. If I can't get apps that's no big deal. What I'd really like to be able to do is download books from the library and public domain... but I also don't know how to install those! I just don't want to have to go through Barnes and Noble exclusively. I know I sound completely clueless but I'd appreciate any help anyone could give me.

Here's some info from the support screen, if it helps:
Hardware platform : RD101-2GB-W
Platform Software: AN15-08-18-2010-7D
Application Package: BN01-08-18-2010-7D
Adobe RMSDK: 9.1.0