Polaroid 10" Tablet being sold on Black Friday

Nov 20, 2012
Menards and ToysRUs have the 10' Polaroid tablet on sale Black Friday. What do you think about it as a beginnner tablet for the grandkids (5 yrs old)? I want something they can learn to use, something we can download learning apps and games to and something that I dont have to be a FREAK about as they are using it (becuase I wont have to be worried about them walking around with something expensive like an IPAD) Right now they are pretty darn quick on things on my Galaxy Nexus, but I want my phone back for ME to play with LOL!


Menards and ToysRUs have the 10' Polaroid tablet on sale Black Friday. What do you think about it as a beginnner tablet for the grandkids (5 yrs old)? I want something they can learn to use, something we can download learning apps and games to and something that I dont have to be a FREAK about as they are using it (becuase I wont have to be worried about them walking around with something expensive like an IPAD) Right now they are pretty darn quick on things on my Galaxy Nexus, but I want my phone back for ME to play with LOL!



How much is it? Saw one at Kohl's for 219.00.

For kids, personally I would not go 10" ...unless you could get it with Android 4.1 and stay within your budget. A good 7/8" with 4.1 would seem to be a better choice ...just a personal opinion (raising an 11 year old). :p

Like this one.
HYUNDAI Rock X800 Dual Core 8 inch IPS 1024*768 with Android 4.0.4 16GB 1.6GHz Bluetooth HDMI

There are excellent 7 & 8" tabs at merimobiles.com & mcbub.com. Read the star ratings & stay with brands that we know are more reliable; better built .....Onda; Momo; Hyundai; Teclast; SmartQ (probably the best overall).

Then again it may be that you would rather buy local with the advantage of being able to return it easily if needed.

I wish you well. Merry Christmas. :)
How much is it?

The Menards ad says $129 but Ive heard ToyRUS has it for $119. I also do not know all the specs and know that alot of times these Black Friday things are versions short on options.
I looked up your Hyundai and found it for $187 .. for that $50 difference looks like its got more options than the Polaroid?!
I bought 2 of the tablets from Menards. They had a 30 day return policy so I tested them. Installed the app store, no issue, downloaded an app just fine. Then tried to setup the email. It would not work. Called the support number listed on the inside flier. It is incorrect. Had to lookup the number on the web. Called and was on hold for over and hour. They had me do a factory reset, would not stay on the phone with me while it was working, and told me to call back if I could not get the email setup.

You guessed, it.... the reset did not work, Had to call back, took another hour on hold, then finally the email started working. BUT since I had done the reset, I had to reload the app store, and re-download the app. No worries, all seemed great..... until I went back to the app store to get another app. I had to uninstall and reinstall the app store each time I wanted a new app.

Then tried to check email, and it would not work. Figured I must had gotten a bad unit, so we opened and tried the other one. It had the exact same issues.

These were returned to Menards on Saturday. SO if you purchased one of these units, try it out, make sure it works because if you bought it at Menards on Black Friday, your 30 days will be up before Christmas.