[ROM] 17-04-11 Gambaro ROM V0.1 for P10AN01 tablets (Vega, Viewpad 10s, Mobii, ...)


Feb 8, 2011
Small update, still working on this ROM.

V0.2 changes:
Changed to CorvusKernel 0.1
Added reboot option to power menu
Added file manager
New ClockWorkMod recovery

Would like to use one of these overclock kernels, but I get different issues with them when applying to a stock ROM. So for now I have to stick to the CorvusKernel 0.1

Download from here.

2 Ways of installation:
1) Gambaro ROM V0.2
Download ZIP file, copy to your SDcard and use ClockWorkMod to flash it.
2) Gambaro ROM V0.2 NV
Get the ROM from my Downloadpage.
Unzip it to a folder.
Switch off your tablet
Connect USB cable to PC
Boot into NVidia recovery by pressing back button 2 seconds, while holding back button press power button for 2 seconds, while still holding back button release the power button, then release the back button after 2 more seconds
Start lvds.bat and the ROM will be flashed.
If you get problems with the USB drivers or have other difficulties, check ”Advent Vega ? ROMs / Software Updates / Guides / How Tos, Links to ROMs, Flash Updates, Guides, Misc apk’s” on MoDaCo. There you find help for nearly every possible problem.

Have fun and give me feedback.

And as usual: You use this ROM on your own risk. I am not responsible if you break your device, loose warranty, get into a fight with your wife or loose important company data from your SDcard.

More pictures and the download are on my website.

V0.1 changes:

  • Removed unnecessary apps like Korean Keyboard, Market replacement apps (didn't work anyway), LiveWallpapers, iFilemanager (FC with BuzzVega Kernel 0.7), help guides, ...
  • Updated APN list
  • Changed hosts file with ads block
  • Replaced wpa_supplicant for access to AdHoc WiFi accesspoints
  • Changed to Buzz Vega Kernel 0.7
  • Added new bootloader.bin for BSOD fix.
  • Added ClockWorkMod recovery and reboot APK from Paul
  • Added my mod of the NI keyboard
  • And of course it has the Messaging app, so you can send and receive SMS and MMS.
  • And just in case someone needs I added Titanium Backup and Visionary Root
  • And of course the main Google apps -> Market, Gmail, Contacts and Calendar
  • I kept the original launcher and added the VTL launcher, but its easily upgradeable, as it is installed in /data/app/
  • I kept as well the Adobe Flash Player V10.1.120.10, as it was coming with the original ROM.
On the graphic side I changed the status bar to a smaller one and replaced the red home/menu/back buttons with green ones. I replaced as well the blue 3G/E/G icon against green ones. The standard wallpaper is my favorite picture of Mount Fuji.

Homescreen: $homescreen.png

Apps: $Apps.png

the_corvus (Kernel)
rpmccormick (BSOD fix)
mad-murdock @ XDA (ClockWorkMod)
Paul @ MoDaCo (ClockWorkMod apk)
gojimi (VTL launcher)

Thanks to all the great people on XDA-developers and MoDaCo. And if I missed you in the credits please forgive me.
Last edited:
Status next version:

Reboot option added
File manager added

Changed to corvus kernel 0.1

Testing it at the moment, release maybe tomorrow.