- Jan 5, 2011
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- 131

There is some new "rumint" floating down from the ether of the internet that Google may be looking at making a 10-Inch tablet in the future too. DigiTimes recently reported that Google is already prepping a Nexus 10 (although that name is only speculation), and that Google's channel partners, Wintek and AU Optronics, will supply the display panels. These panels will supposedly be made of the same OGS (One Glass Solution) material that is in the brand new Nexus 7 tablet. Here's a quote with some details,
Google also reportedly plans to launch a 10-inch tablet with touch panels to come from AU Optronics (AUO) and Wintek, making Wintek the largest touch panel supplier for Google, said the sources.
Wintek has been shipping OGS touch panels to a number of clients, and expects OGS to become mainstream in 2013, said company chairman Hyley Huang, estimating that 26.5 million notebooks are expected to adopt touch panels in 2013.
Although, these are the same manufacturers that are making the display for the brand new Nexus 7 tablet, just about anything quoted from DigiTimes should be taken with a cube of salt. These reports could simply be "wishful thinking" on the part of the manufacturers. In fact, comments from Patrick Brady, Director of Android Partner Engineering for Google, suggest that Google has no plans to move in that direction. Brady said, "We thought a lot about how we'd design the software and hardware to fit a number of use cases. For instance, I think 10-inch tablets are too big for gaming and reading books. We wanted it to be portable. And we wanted it to be great for reading books and magazines as well as playing games and watching movies."
Of course, if the Nexus 7 is a huge hit, as many market analysts are predicting, then Google may shift gears and try to compete more directly against the iPad. If they can get enough brand-trust built up, they may be able to start eroding Apple's strangle-hold on the tablet market. After-all, consumers can be fickle.
Thanks for the tip, nikecar and cereal killer!
Source: NexusTablets.net via CNet