Tablet Fails To Recognise Micro SD Chip

pete gee

Oct 2, 2014
I am an absolute novice to my Baun android tablet. I downloaded astro file mgr but it does not let me see my micro sd (even tho the tablet tells me it is there).
every pic I have downloads to the internal sd (WHICH IS NOW FULL!!)
I was able to download pics from my pc to the micro sd once I attached the tablet to pc via usb cable, but I must have mucked around with settings too much so that now my pc accesses the internal sd ONLY (as camera) and I am locked out of the main area of the tablet as well as the micro sd chip which used to be visible as LOST.DIREC but which only appears now in photos on my main tablet screen (if you can follow that) but which I can no longer access even via pc.
What have I done? how do I reaccess the gallery pics in the main area of the tablet?
why won't the ext sd chip show up under files in astroid file mg
are you able to give me some clear & direct advice on the above as I leave for europe in 2 weeks and desperately need to make the ext micro sd function as storage for pics & vids?
Pete gee

pete gee

Oct 2, 2014
thanx spider,
will try the file explorer. will it clash with astro file manager?
and are you suggesting it may locate the micro ext sd card?


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011

pete gee

Oct 2, 2014
will def try your suggestion when next in wifi range (currently emailing via pc on nbnsat).
any idea why I've lost contact with main Baun tablet contents (& ext sd chip) via pc and am left with only the internal sd showing to my pc?


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
any idea why I've lost contact with main Baun tablet contents (& ext sd chip) via pc and am left with only the internal sd showing to my pc?

No idea whatsoever. To me, that's not a show stopper though. Just take the MSD out of the tablet and put it into the PC to transfer things back and forth or use something like Dropbox. I haven't connected any of my tablets to the PC in the past three years now.

pete gee

Oct 2, 2014
finally got wifi range, downloaded ES explorer & Voila, recognition of ESD. Thanx muchly.
next question ...
so then, in preparation for coming euro trip, I moved all pics on file to recycle bin.
To my dismay, settings declared internal sd still so full that I could not even take a photo with camera.
I did read in somewhere in a thread that just binning stuff does not mean it is cleared from the entire system but just transferred elsewhere. True? I guesss it must be!
How & Where do I find this stuff & how do I remove it so as to free up my Baun system?


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 9, 2014
Good to hear you finally got something to recognize the external storage, Pete.
You're correct about keeping it in memory. If you have the recycle bin enabled, in the ES, it stays there until you delete it. You can find it under the tools button in the menu.
If you turn it off, anything that you deleted with ES will be gone.
Tap on the trash can to see what's in the bin. You'll have to delete them from there to free up your internal space.

Now the question I have is why not move the pics to the external storage. That way you still have them. Micro SD cards are cheap. I always keep 1 or 2 handy, in my case.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 9, 2014
By the way, did you check out Camera ICS, so you can save your Europe pics to the card?

pete gee

Oct 2, 2014
thanx also for your help, PC.
I was originally moving pics between my tablet & pc (and had backed up everything that way previously) but weirdly lost that function some weeks ago (see thread) so that my pc only reads my internal sd and not my camera/photo files. Any solution to that one?

I have downloaded the cameraICS app & organised its settings for sdcard (as opposed to internal) - & I also turned 'STORE LOCATION" on - and while it clearly has downloaded the 2 expected folders (DCIM & LOST.DIREC) to the esd, it has not downloaded the pics to there but to a separate folder under CAMERA.Nor does it 'comply' when I turn STORE LOCATION off.
any ideas?

pete gee

Oct 2, 2014
oops, sorry man, it has only now begun to store automatically in ext sd card. I guess it needed me to turn off STORE LOCATION again.
This is excellent because for the life of me I could not get the tablet's camera settings to store in esd.
still would love to know why my pc wont 'read' the tablet's internal files or the esd (which it once did)


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 9, 2014
Store location is to imprint the GPS location into the photo information. Personally, I have mine off to deter folks from locating me through my photos, though some like to geotag their pics.
Storage Source is where to set the download destination.

As for the PC only not reading your files, that's above my pay grade, sorry.
I can suggest Dropboox or Google Drive. I use Dropbox to move files between devices. Both can be linked to the ES app. Once they're installed on your PC and tablet moving files takes just a couple of minutes.

Glad to see that you're getting set up for your trip.

pete gee

Oct 2, 2014
if any one is still viewing this thread ...
my screenshot camera has been firing (Black screen) blanks for over a year.
I cannot find where to go to adjust
or is it that the screenshot component may have stopped working?