Totally new to tablets


Apr 23, 2012
Greetings fellow Androids

Totally new to using a tablet bought my first tablet last week Polyer Momo 9, 7", Android 4, 512mb ram 8gb memory A10 1.2GHz * Mali 400GPU and all the other specs that go with this and I also purchased a 32GB SD card for good measure:)

I have to say what a fantastic bit of kit still finding my around it and on checking the system setting & storage not sure what I am looking but I cannot seem to find what or where the 8GB is????

I have loaded the Quick system info Pro app and it tells me various things but being a newbie I do not fully understand what I am looking at???
1. Internal memory = 1181.12mb & 931.5mb free
2. System storage 252mb & 24.84mb free
3. System cache 126mb & 122mb free
4. RAM 3.6mb & free 154mb & 9.84mb idle

Obviously the App did not see the 32GB sd card I assume its just looking internally!!!!!

How does one decipher this or is there another App for dummies to translate this info into laymans terms??

Thanks Pete:):eek:


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hello Pete, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you understand what those things you're looking at are all about. The "Sticky" threads at the beginning of that section are also full of good general information about tablets and Android. Good luck!


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2011
Check settings/memory or goto file manager & see if you can find sdcard that way internal mem normally shows on file maager as

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2011
Ps under settings it may show as storage rather than memory depending on tablet

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet