Welcome to the Bauhn Android Tablet Forum


Staff member
Mar 16, 2011

Welcome to the Bauhn android tablet section here at AndroidTablets.net!

The Bauhn tablet is currently available in Germany and Australia. More information can be found here - BAUHN

9.7in display
16GB of internal memory
2-megapixel rear-facing camera
1GHz single-core Amlogic Cortex A9 processor
1GB of RAM
A microSD card
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity
VGA front-facing camera for video calls
A mini-USB, mini-HDMI, a standard 3.5mm headphone jack
Bundled with a a mini-HDMI cable for connecting the device to a high-definition television and will also come with a carry bag

ALDI - special buys from wed 06 jun - hurry, limited stocks in store*
Calender is unuseable because you can't log in a new user account. You have to find and download another off the internet and most of those won't download because of error 101 fault. Not the sort of problem one should expect with today's technology.
Aldi have a second generation? Dual core 1.5 available in Au this 8th sept 2012.
Anyone know if and is it worth rooting to obtain more functionality?
Aldi have a second generation? Dual core 1.5 available in Au this 8th sept 2012.
Anyone know if and is it worth rooting to obtain more functionality?

If the first gen 917R can be rooted, then it should work for the new 972XS as it is almost the same tablet. We have on of each. I got my gen 2 today. If there is a root, I will try it. Anyone know whether there has been success with the first model?
It's certainly worth doing IMO. I have all our Android phones rooted :p
G'day Everyone, I got one of the new Aldi bauhn 972xs tablets on Saturday, and I'm still trying to get my head around the Android system.
I also have a iPad and use a PC all the time but new to android.
Can anyone tell me how to transfer my movies or epubs from my micro sd card over onto the inbuilt 16gb of memory.
I also can't download from the play store as I get the 101 error but I have found that I can download apps from third party sites, any ideas why other than google don't support the device!
Thanks :cool:
I can't download apps. I get the Appname could not be downloaded due to an error (-101).
Any ideas? I've searched multiple forums and Googled but no joy.
My Bauhn tablet wont play avi movie soundtracks correctly. Any suggestions? Thanks
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shrdlu1497 said:
I can't download apps. I get the Appname could not be downloaded due to an error (-101).
Any ideas? I've searched multiple forums and Googled but no joy.

There are a couple of fixes go to settings and do a reset and then restart the tablet. The other fix which is less drastic is to go to settings, apps, all, google play store and clear data etc, then go to Google services framework clear all data there, restart the tab. I've found the factory reset the best way to go, fixes all problems we have encountered. Good luck.
There are a couple of fixes go to settings and do a reset and then restart the tablet. The other fix which is less drastic is to go to settings, apps, all, google play store and clear data etc, then go to Google services framework clear all data there, restart the tab. I've found the factory reset the best way to go, fixes all problems we have encountered. Good luck.
Thanks. That worked brilliantly!!
i am steve , my bauhn tablet 1.5Ghz does not work with flash, i tried to update it and it said the package was no signed correctly.
any solution for this, it would be much appreciated.

I've had my bauhn tablet now for two days and have had not one problem I followed the instructions. Maybe a lot of other people should do the same.
Has anyone been able to get the Bauhn bluetooth keyboard/case to work with the tablet?
The keyboard pairs successfully with the tablet but that's about all. None of the keys transmit any characters to any app ( and I've tried a few). Strangely I had the exact same problem with an almost identical Chinese(?) keyboard from the local markets.
The Aldi manager said the keyboards sold out within a few hours, so I'm assuming a few people have tried them.

