Welcome to the FlatPad Android Tablet Forum!


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009
Welcome to the new section dedicated to the FlatPad Android Tablet.

Edit: merged with Generic tablets
Well I tried to read all about this amazing looking tablet, but there is not much to read. So in an effort to help the rest of you and also to sate my own curiosity, I ordered one to day. Hopefully it will ship today or tomorrow and I should have it by Friday. I will take more images and post my thoughts. I will keep in mind that this is a $300.00 dollar device and as such will not be as amazing as it could be for a higher price point, but still I am keeping a positive mindset. I did call the people at Flat Computing and they are both friendly and responsive to questions.

Anyways I am keeping my fingers crossed to see what I get for my money.
I see so you have one already then? Because to me it is impossible to judge the worth of a device until you have tried it out in your own hands and have determined if the device will do what you would like it to do. If you think about it the lovely Android phones that are out there are not worth the thousands of dollars everyone is paying for them in terms of a two year contract either, yet people are still buying them. The Ipad is definitely not worth the 500 USD that Apple is charging either yet I own one and I am happy with its performance.

So I will get my device and if it is totally junk like most of the Android pads on the market already are, then I will post that it is. But if it lives up to it's advertised values, then I will post that as well. But I do know that if you keep waiting for the perfect pad then you will never purchase one at all.
The device is retailing for 1050 RMB in China. A standard rate to resell electronics overseas is retail + 10-20%, + shipping. Doing the math, that's $160US before shipping, which is currently $40-50US via EMS.

For comparison, the Apad iRobot is 880RMB and is available for $150-200 shipped.

I do not have one because I can't afford to buy all the device on the market. I have to rely on research and my channels to get as much information as I could about the device. As I know how to read Chinese, I may have a little more access than the typical buyer out there.
I see so you have one already then? Because to me it is impossible to judge the worth of a device until you have tried it out in your own hands and have determined if the device will do what you would like it to do. If you think about it the lovely Android phones that are out there are not worth the thousands of dollars everyone is paying for them in terms of a two year contract either, yet people are still buying them. The Ipad is definitely not worth the 500 USD that Apple is charging either yet I own one and I am happy with its performance.

So I will get my device and if it is totally junk like most of the Android pads on the market already are, then I will post that it is. But if it lives up to it's advertised values, then I will post that as well. But I do know that if you keep waiting for the perfect pad then you will never purchase one at all.

Who has paid thousands of dollars for an android phone???

The 10" flatpad, and every other pad based on the zt-180 has been clocked in at 800Mhz, not at the advertised 1.~Ghz, nor does it have the A8 core. The exact same pad, renamed, is also available for $200 at certain, reputable sellers. The fact is you paid too much for a lie. We're just trying to inform you of the facts. The company who manufactured them even apologized for the mislabeling of the product.

So no, we don't have one, but the fact is its not worth $300 by default due to the hardware and features it offers.
That is why there's forums like this so we can remain informed and not make hasty decisions. We don't intend to try every pad out there, but we do have access to the right information and from people who have had them.

I dont appreciate the attitude you have toward people who are trying to help.

FYI: There is tons of information on the pad, its obvious you didn't care to read any of it. From your response it doesn't look like you even look at the link the admin provided.
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Actually I'm pretty sure the CPU is in fact clocked at 1GHz, but it's not Cortex A8 that's all. But an extra 200 MHz spliced with a terrible implementation of Android is not a good combination.

I don't have one so I cannot confirm this tidbit personally though.
I've been to the China web sites on these products to me they're all pretty much the same replicated iPad, iTouch (more likely with the iPhone calling features) Still I am not going to spend $285 plus tax, plus shipping to make these comes out to over $300 bucks. Nope not going to happen! They're made cheaper than if they were made here. iPad is just too expensive! ASUS, ACER, HP, Lenovo, MSI and the China Replication Manufacturers all going to have a good late 2010 to 2011 pushing higher price tablets on to us. But which one will better or well they all pretty much be just replicated iPads. Cortex A9 chips is dual and the iPad is using the Cortex A8 single core. iPad is very popular with CNN reports. But soon everyone going to have some sort of replicated touchscreen tablet and lower prices than $300 bucks.
I've been to the China web sites on these products to me they're all pretty much the same replicated iPad, iTouch (more likely with the iPhone calling features) Still I am not going to spend $285 plus tax, plus shipping to make these comes out to over $300 bucks. Nope not going to happen! They're made cheaper than if they were made here. iPad is just too expensive! ASUS, ACER, HP, Lenovo, MSI and the China Replication Manufacturers all going to have a good late 2010 to 2011 pushing higher price tablets on to us. But which one will better or well they all pretty much be just replicated iPads. Cortex A9 chips is dual and the iPad is using the Cortex A8 single core. iPad is very popular with CNN reports. But soon everyone going to have some sort of replicated touchscreen tablet and lower prices than $300 bucks.

Seriously... I don't know what you're trying to say. There a very broad range of cheaper pads under $200 and the 10" go for a little more than 200 and less than 300, some with free shipping.

They're not replications of the ipad in the slightest. Maybe some have similar cosmetic properties, but aside from that they're nothing alike. Completely different hardware and software from the Android tablets that are out at the moment. The upcoming similarities will be the capacitive touch screens, otherwise pretty much nothing except aesthetic appearance will be "replicated". You also have to take into consideration that the capacitive screens will be significantly more expensive especially the 10" screens. Realistically any of the brand name 10-inch pads comparable to the iPad will most likely be more than 300.

Most of the Andorid tablets that are out, can't be compared to the ipad. In terms of both hardware and software they are completely different animals. What you can compare are the speed/quality of certain functions like watching movies, playing games reading books, etc.

The pads are best grouped together by chipset, which xaueious has taken the liberty of organizing a list of. With this you can get a better idea of how the pads are grouped together and how most of them are not really comparable to the iPad. Even though it appears there are many duplicates of the same tablet, there are really a wide variety of specifications to choose from. Many have different potential and limitations.

What I am trying to same they might look like the iPad design but then again PCB might say otherwise with each vendor online peddling their own gear as replication of iPad, ePad, aPad, iPed, iRobot all sorts of names. The box they all come in looks the same. I see where your going with the above. I wanted to see for myself what would come from China and even though the name on the box reads iRobot or whatever the real company name is still looks like a small iPad. You do know that iPad is coming out with 5", 7", 6" I don't know if 8" will hit the streets. OS on these devices are based off cell phone technology even for the iPad (basically itouch/ipod/iphone) all in one. Android and the tablets are basically using the same apps that were made for the cell phone. Maybe one day these tables will have a true OS made from the ground up for them. Right these are what is available to buy. I know I can't speak for everyone here but price does mean more right now. We had guy who just came back from China and purchased the top of the line clone as out to say for $150 USD. These smaller ones here are sold over there for $60 USD. Huge difference than if were to pay that those rates but never going to happen.