WiFi From Tablet to PC


Junior Member
Sep 25, 2014
I have a Tablet, a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 . I have a wifi signal (not 3G). I want to give wifi to my PC.. How can i do it?.
Buy a WiFi card or adapter for your PC.

sent from my kingSing T1 via taptalk
I have a Tablet, a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 . I have a wifi signal (not 3G). I want to give wifi to my PC.. How can i do it?.

I can do That WITH OUT BUYING ANYTHING EXTRA with a cellphone, but That cell isnt mine. So, i have a Tablet can i do it with it like with an android smarthphone?
A 3G tablet is the same as a 3G phone, If you can do it on a phone then you can do it on a tablet.

sent from my kingSing T1 via taptalk