WM8505 7 in apad irobot tablet issues


Apr 23, 2011
I have one of these toys..LOL and it seems that the wifi has stopped working. I have checked my wireless router, and even went to another location IE Starbucks.. the wifi searches for the wifi, but does not recognize any wifi.. now I have not taken this unit apart for fear of hurting it. what I do know is this it worked until I tried to sync a htc evo sprint cell to it for backup purposes.. I have also upgraded the programming and have honeybeev9 3.0 running on it it shows everything functioning and is very compatible. I can hook the internet via lan through the adapter.. any ideas folks? whats next that I could have missed..
I am also a android developer on htc cell phones.. so I am very tech about this.. but I am missing something here. please any help would be appreciated.
The build quality varies so much on these WonderMedia tablets that you probably just simply have. . . a toy. I'm coming to the point where I can only recommend these as E-readers, and that only if you have a good working LAN dongle.