Firmware Updates, Patches, USB Drivers 32/64-bit

Source Link

YouTube™ update for Gen Series
USB Driver/ SD Card Walk-Through
GENTOUCH78 Screen Calibration Update
GENTOUCH78 Factory Reset, Volume Control, Page Back, Home Page...Update
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Source Link

YouTube™ update for Gen Series
USB Driver/ SD Card Walk-Through
GENTOUCH78 Screen Calibration Update
GENTOUCH78 Factory Reset, Volume Control, Page Back, Home Page...Update
Android OS Kernel Source Code for Gentouch78 Download

Doesn't seem right to move the INFO about KERNEL source to here, as it is not a FIRMWARE update, Patch, or Driver.. has nothing to do with this category really, as its more related to developing for the Gentouch78...

ALso, this is kinda of a moot point, as this really isnt kernel source as promised.

Doesn't seem right to move the INFO about KERNEL source to here, as it is not a FIRMWARE update, Patch, or Driver.. has nothing to do with this category really, as its more related to developing for the Gentouch78...

ALso, this is kinda of a moot point, as this really isnt kernel source as promised.


Okay fixed the title and added Kernel Source Code.
Great news!

Don't get excited yet. It actually contains zero kernel source, well it has the generic headers, but that's it. The rest is a random collection of dalvik, libs, daemons, and app sources IIRC. So it's a 343MB archive uncompressing to 899MB of essentially crap.]

Daniel is supposed to be trying to get them to cough up the real thing today, as the supplier apparently works on Saturdays... not bad if he's going to waste some of his holiday weekend on it, but I hope that they CHECK the archive next time before posting it...
i see now on the augen webs site, there is a device call "the book". i thought they were all gentouch update since the sticky on the front of the gentouch forum on this site provided a link on the last page.
Source Link

YouTube™ update for Gen Series
USB Driver/ SD Card Walk-Through
GENTOUCH78 Screen Calibration Update
GENTOUCH78 Factory Reset, Volume Control, Page Back, Home Page...Update
Android OS Kernel Source Code for Gentouch78 Download

You need to remove the Kernel title now, Augen has removed the download since it did not actual contain the kernel source code for the Gentouch.

i see now on the augen webs site, there is a device call "the book". i thought they were all gentouch update since the sticky on the front of the gentouch forum on this site provided a link on the last page.

Augen did release what they thought was the Kernel Source for the Gentouch. But since they release contained no kernel source, or anything really usefull, they removed it.
You need to remove the Kernel title now, Augen has removed the download since it did not actual contain the kernel source code for the Gentouch.

Augen did release what they thought was the Kernel Source for the Gentouch. But since they release contained no kernel source, or anything really usefull, they removed it.

Okay, done!
So I tried for like 3 hours to install the update last night but I can't even get my Win 7 to recognize the driver file. I tried the one packaged with the update and the windows 7 one that popped up on the augen us site a few days ago. I never get the window that is in the PDF instructions (maybe because those instructions were done on an xp machine...) but when I go to device manager and try to apply the driver to Android Eclair windows tells me that it is not a driver for this device.... any tips?

If these drivers are giving anyone troubles, just use Motorola USB 32/64bit drivers
USB and PC Charging Drivers - Motorola, Inc. USA
I just got my Augen 78. When I plugged it into the USB on my PC (to try and load some files), I get the prompt to load the driver. HUH? For a USB "storage device"???
I found a long and VERY drawn out process on the Android Development site and followed it, finally getting the "Google-usb_driver". But when I point to it, I get the message "The hardware was not installed because the wizard cannot find the necessary software"

Anyone know where the USB DRIVER for this thing is?

While we're at it, the Settings options offers to turn on Bluetooth, but it never succeeds, which I assume is because there is no Bluetooth in the unit. Is there Bluetooth in any of the Augen units?

Ok, I found the Augen site, and the "download": AUGEN ELECTRONICS CORP - Kayako SupportSuite Help Desk Software
I tried running the USB driver install, then plugging in the '78' as indicated, and got the 'ol "The hardware was not installed because the wizard cannot find the necessary software" message.

I used USBdevView ( to rip out all the stale USB drivers/devices including the failed Android eclair, and used a "universal extractor" to rip the files out of the .EXE, then plugged the Augen in again. At the prompt I navigated to the exploded driver and again get the "The hardware was not installed because the wizard cannot find the necessary software" message. What I wind up with is several removable disks -- all of them prompt to insert disk into drive X: -- whatever the letter is.

I tried it on another machine and got the same thing, but one drive had a DCIM folder on it, and I tried to copy a file in, just as a test. Has anyone loaded a USB driver on Windows XP SP3?

Just got the Augen 78 running using the Motorola drivers! But I have four "Removable Disks" and can get to only ONE. It's the one with the DCIM folder, and it's the internal memory. How do I get to the micro-SD card? What are the other two? (assuming one IS the micro-SD card).

Is this the way it's supposed to work?

Has anyone been able to write anything to the (installed) micro-SD from a USB-connected computer? Otherwise I have to remove it and put it in a carrier, and the socket is so flimsy I don't want to touch the thing.
Same issues with mine. If you umount the sdcard and slide the card out and back in then windows will see it.
I'm not sure if you've read the manual that comes with the USB driver download. There is a PDF file in the download that helped. To access the SD card you have to mount it on the Gentouch. There are two "SD" cards, the fake Internal one, and the real External one. Just mount your External SD card and Windows will see it as a regular flash drive. When you want to disconnect, safely remove it from Windows before unmounting it from the Gentouch.

And if you're way ahead of me, then I apologize for my simplistic answer. It took me awhile to get this running, and I sympathize with anyone struggling.
Just bought a gentouch 78 (black button) and would like to update. Tried using the USB driver update from the Augen site. It works somewhat but I don't get the found new hardware wizard that is described in the PDF. The system update seems to run as I do get the little green bot at startup and it wasn't doing that when I first received it. I would like to be able to download apps and i am frustrated in not being able to do so. The features described in the original post in this thread would be a great improvement but I guess I'm too much of a newbie to figure out how to get it and install it. I did go out and buy a micro SD card and installed it. The gentouch says it is there but when I connect to my desktop via USB cable I see three additional drives but I cannot access any of them. I thought one workaround might be to downlad apps to my desktop and then copy them onto the SD card. Can anyone give me any advice as to what to do? Any help is greatly appreciated.