16GB Sandisk HC Memory card not being found?


Dec 15, 2010
Bought this for my table as i saw that 16gb was the maximum supported, however its not working i have not got an adapter or a memory card reader to test whether or not its the memory card thats not working, which would be insane seeing as its brand new any help?
Nope just says unavaliable space....
EDIT: also my tablet wont boot with the card in and its heating up really bad
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Well, at this point you'll probably need to bite the bullet and do all those things that you say you can't do because you don't have an adapter or reader. Namely, see if you can borrow someone's phone with a microSD slot or a laptop with a reader that can read microSD or get an adaptor if whatever device you get your hands on can only read full size SD cards. Also, in the absence of getting your hands on anything that can read the card, see if you can borrow or buy a cheap, low capacity microSD (preferably with an SD adaptor so you can test your original card in a another SD card reader or device - you can probably get 4GB for around $10US or so) and insert that into the S7 to make sure that the S7 or the S7's microSD slot is not going south (which sounds like it could possibly be the case based on your description of failure to boot and overheating). Bottom line is you are not going to get far just guessing whats going on at this point without doing something proactive to verify the card or the S7 is at fault and that means reading the existing card in another device and/or getting a second microSD to eliminate the S7 as the culprit. Good luck.
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Have you tried a reboot.

Put the card in shutdown, then swich on and I bet it will be there - it seems that the S7 does not hot mount SD cards


Sent from my s7 using Android Tablet Forum App
I have been using a Sandisk 16GB since 4weeks. No problems. Formatted in my pc. Mounted in S7 settings, again formatted via my S7.
Transfered files via Huawei software. Do not forget to learn how to connect your S7 to your pc.

BB S7, Used in Sweden
Have you tried a reboot.

Put the card in shutdown, then swich on and I bet it will be there - it seems that the S7 does not hot mount SD cards


Sent from my s7 using Android Tablet Forum App

'Cept he posted that the S7 won't boot with the card installed. Hmm. That's why I think he should try another card or at least get that card read in another device to verify its sound.
Good polnt, I do wonder about some of these cards from HK, lots on sale on eBay for 2 gbp...

My card did not appear in my settings until I rebooted,
The mount card line was greyed out.


Sent from my sdk using Android Tablet Forum App
Bought this for my table as i saw that 16gb was the maximum supported, however its not working i have not got an adapter or a memory card reader to test whether or not its the memory card thats not working, which would be insane seeing as its brand new any help?

I Huawei that same problem with my 8gb card. Try rebooting with card in slot a couple of times.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum
I have the same problem with sandisk and kingston sd cards (not the over heating and nonbooting) but will not mount or be found. a generic on that came with a BB and the ones that came with my galaxy s work fine after a shut down and power up.

is this an acer glitc? Do i need to do something to the card using my pc?