18 Free Nook Color Books

It would be nice if they'd give you a free online copy when you have a hard copy subscription. It wouldn't cost them anything and it would be a nice gesture.

It is actually worse than that I'm afraid :( The subscription originally cost $0.99 per issue while the hard copy only cost $0.79 per issue. After one year I received a notice from B&N that the subscription rate was being increased to $1.99 or $2.99 (I don't remember which). So I cancelled that and renewed the hard copy subscription for $0.83 per issue.

I really want to love digital media and would give up the hard copy subscription but let's be realistic the price needs to be no higher than a physical copy at the most and more realistically $0.50-$0.83. I mean come on, the real one has to be printed and shipped and yet the digital copy which costs nothing after the initial setup (which is also necessary for printing) is 200%-300% more expensive? Not only that but the subscriptions through B&N went up similarly across the board so that most are cover price. That really defeats the idea of a subscription. Needless to say they lost one subscription and when I looked for an alternative I would be interested in at the lower price range I couldn't find anything.

Good thing I have resources for free books :D
It would be nice if they'd give you a free online copy when you have a hard copy subscription. It wouldn't cost them anything and it would be a nice gesture.

Love that idea!

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The list was updated today to remove bad links and add new books. Now there are 22 free books available.
Does it have a centerfold?

They're working on it, but they can't get the cheese head to stay on the bottle. It keeps slipping down over it and covering the label.:cool:
Spider said:
They're working on it, but they can't get the cheese head to stay on the bottle. It keeps slipping down over it and covering the label.:cool:

No problem. Beer is for drinking, not reading about, anyway.
Updated to remove books that were no longer free and add new books. There are now 27 free books as of 10/12/12.