2 Questions: swype and file transfer


Apr 3, 2011
First off: i'm working with a g tablet rooted with vegan 5.1 with suppliments and an OG motorola droid running stock.

1. Through my droid, I'm in the swype beta. I've installed it on the tablet using the access code for the droid; the keyboard works and i can trace a path of letters, but when i lift my finger nothing happens. I can manually type, but that kind of defeats the purpose of swype. Has anybody else messed with this?

2. I want to transfer some files between my droid and g tablet. I've tried using the swiftp esfile explorer combo, but i couldn't get the gtab to connect to the droid running swiftp. I've been reduced to using esfex to transfer files from droid to laptop and then from laptop to tablet. I'd really like to cut out that middle man. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
you can transfer the app but it wont do any good... the install app that swype sent to you is registered specifically to the device you originally loaded it on... hate to say it but i don't think it'll work... i couldn't get it to transfer to my droidx because i had registered it to my og-droid... could be wrong.. i'd try searching it out on XDA... forget contactig swype... i did and got nothing but a form letter email back... ther a few similar keyboards on the market though...
Depends on the files you need to transfer, but I would also take a look at SugarSync. For free you get a nice piece of storage and keeps the files sync'd between PC and Tablet.