7012 Silicone Skin & Screen Protector....HELP!?


Jan 4, 2012
I purchased a Coby Kyros 7012 for Christmas for my 2 year old son to watch videos and play with little apps like toddler lock and such so that I wouldn't be risking my Galaxy Nexus every time he starts getting a little antsy at restaurants or in the car.....so far so good! I've got it nice and setup with everything I want it to have for him but I'm having the hardest time finding a silicone skin for it and a screen protector to help cushion the blow when he drops it. Does anyone know if the dimensions match up for the 7022? Coby's website doesn't list the dimensions for the 7022 so I was a bit worried about trying one of them out... Anyways, thanks in advance for any help given!