7024 digitizer touchscreen replacement

HiRez_l -

Can you update us? Were you able to install the digitizer and did it work? Any change of posting pictures of how you did it? Thanks.
Nope, I have yet to discover how to remove the old one, I was really hoping someone here could clue me in. Plus, my wife dropped hers which broke in the exact same way, so if I can figure it out, I have two to fix.
ok guys may be wrong table but.... i have found replacement digitizers for MID7015!! i have only ordered it and upon delivery and installation i will inform everyone how it goes as they should have them for other models as well but check your self if interested!!! 7 Inch Touch Screen Glass Digitizer Repair for COBY MID7015 - Online Shopping For Your Needs - Wholesale - Dropship From China - vococal.com I did have a little trouble with the ordering process but the chat support was very helpful with the process.. but it could just be that my only web right now is via my phone and foxfi!!! i truly hope and pray this works.. then the whole unit from ebay will be a new toy yay!! wish me luck everyone ;)
I fixed a broken touch screen/digitizer recently. I wrote a blog post about my replacing screen experience which includes where I found the replacement part which may help some of the other posters in this thread find their's. Hope it helps someone.

WorkingMatt: Replacing Android Tablet Touchscreen

hi, adapted touch upload image.
Touch: XXJ-TPM7068 (generic) Aliexpress 7" 4 wire $15
Thanks to the different post that helped me guide.


$Cambio_TOUCH_COBY-KYROS (2).jpg
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