8042 run tablet from sdcard.

reboot into cw recovery

use cw recovery to mount /system and /data /sdcard

adb shell

rm -r /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-*

busybox tar -cvf /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12- /data

busybox tar -cvf /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12- /system

in cw recovery
unmount /system
unmount /data
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reboot into cw recovery

mount /sdcard

adb shell

mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /system

busybox tar -xvf /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-
busybox tar -xvf /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-


adb push boot_ds.img.zip /sdcard

use cwm to install it

reboot system
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Now I am getting
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200]
(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\androidadb\sdk\platform-tools

C:\androidadb\sdk\platform-tools>adb shell
~ # rm -r /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-*
rm -r /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-*
rm: can't remove '/sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-*': No such fi
le or directory
~ #
Now I am getting
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200]
(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\androidadb\sdk\platform-tools

C:\androidadb\sdk\platform-tools>adb shell
~ # rm -r /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-*
rm -r /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-*
rm: can't remove '/sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-*': No such fi
le or directory
~ #

sorry mount /sdcard first
I am getting the same error

This is what I have in CWM

mount /system
mount /data
unmount /cache
mount /sdcard
format /system
format /data
format /cache
format /sdcard
mount USB storage
I am getting the same error

This is what I have in CWM

mount /system
mount /data
unmount /cache
mount /sdcard
format /system
format /data
format /cache
format /sdcard
mount USB storage

click the mount /system
mount /data
mount /sdcard

needs to look like this

unmount /system
unmount /data
unmount /cache
unmount /sdcard
I changed them and I still get the same thing. I must have deleted the sdcard on accident. I have been trying to figure this thing out for days. I had the 8042_Mobiz_V.2.zip on it but I wanted to try to install everything to a 16gb microSD card to have more room for apps. I guess I shouldve stayed with the 8042_Mobiz_V.2.zip.
with /sdcard mounted

for /sdcard to be mounted is looks like this

unmount /sdcard

just make the dir

adb shell

mkdir /sdcard/clockworkmod
mkdir /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup
mkdir /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200]
(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\androidadb\sdk\platform-tools

C:\androidadb\sdk\platform-tools>adb shell
~ # mkdir /sdcard/clockworkmod
mkdir /sdcard/clockworkmod
~ # mkdir /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup
mkdir /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup
~ # mkdir /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-
mkdir /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-
~ # rm -r /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-*
rm -r /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-*
rm: can't remove '/sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-12-*': No such fi
le or directory
~ #
I have a problem now. I am trying to go back to 8042_Mobiz_V.2.zip but now my Coby isn't showing up my sdcard so that I can install the zip.
It is showing up my internal storage as my sdcard.

Please HELP me!
I have a problem now. I am trying to go back to 8042_Mobiz_V.2.zip but now my Coby isn't showing up my sdcard so that I can install the zip.
It is showing up my internal storage as my sdcard.

Please HELP me!

your micro sdcard will show in cw recovery, to show in desktop mode requires scripts, I never got around to building it into the boot.img

just boot into cw recovery mount /sdcard the adb push 8042_Mobiz_V.2.zip /sdcard/