A couple of questions regarding the Kindle Fire


Feb 3, 2012
Hi there,

I hope it it allright to open a new topic in here for questions.

Anyway, I am playing with the thought to get a tablet, but as far as I want to use it once in a while to read pdfs/presentations or watch a movie, I don't want to get an Acer or iPad (too expensive).

I would like to know if it is possible to put normal pdf files or even epubs (created by me) on the fire?
I guess, everything you put on has to go through Amazon.com, which I don't like.
I have read, that the device can be rooted. Does that mean I can download all market apps afterwards (I know the Fire restricts to amazon apps currently).
Is that possible to put on media to the fire, without using amazon (before and after the root)?

Is it possible to play avis or even mkv on the device? I know in the initial status it is not, but does it work with root?

And are there different versions of the tablet, which cannot be rooted?
I mean like production versions or something like that?

I saw, that the device will be on sale at Walmart next week, thats why I am especially looking for the fire.

Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards.
Amoung the 12 reasons not to own a Kindle is that you are leashed to Amazon, not as badly as the Nook to B&N! Rooting voids your warranty and is not a good idea, also effects your launcher. If you are really enamored with it, buy a refurbished (read returned) one. The main attraction to the Fire, is from those who spent $400 for the underpowered low memory of Kindle 4 years ago! No tablet/pad can do what a laptop or netbook can do, per Steve Jobs. Enjoy!!!

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The Kindle Fire is not anywhere near as limited as people would have you believe. You can do everything you mentioned you wanted to do, and no, you don't have to go through Amazon for everything. For epubs and other formats I use third party apps such as repligo or ezpdf reader and fbreader for ebooks. Without rooting you are not going to get the Google Market but besides Amazon there are a number of other options.
One thing I would suggest is getting Amazon prime as the streaming for movies and TV shows not only works great, for the Kindle it seems, much like the silk browser, the rendering seems to be done server side and takes far less bandwidth than watching the same content on my laptop.
Also a free cloud storage app like box.net makes adding apps and content easy. For the price, and assuming you don't need a camera or GPS, this tablet is hard to beat for the money.

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Tom is right, the fire is a good Tablet for the price, its up to you if you like it rooted or not .
As FanN301said,no tablet/pad can do what a laptop or netbook can do but no laptop or netbook can be as portable as a 7" tablet!
Enjoy your future Tablet! :)

Samsung Galaxy Note
After my Transformer it is now the second most popular tablet in the house. The wife loves her, and this is the first time she has liked any of the devices I brought home.

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you shouldnt have any problems converting pdfs and other reading documents to kindle format. they've long had a feature with kindle readers where you could autoconvert any format into kindle readable format. i would think the same is available for kindle fire