A little advice...."had" the galaxy tab 2 7.0


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2012
I have a gs3 and bought the tab2. I found it to be a bit on the slow side. I got it cause of the perfect in my opinion size for well....everything. But In about a month I plan on getting the galaxy note ii. And I HAVE to get my son a tablet so i just gave him my tab2. Ok...for the money and size which one is the best? I use them for:web surfing, games, email, movies, and reading (but haven't found the best reading app yet that measures up to the stock reader on the nook tablet).

I am guessing someone will say nexus7. I was kinda stuck on samsung i guess since i love my gs3 so much. Only real reason i was thinking of getting the note ii is cause of the size i figured i could do more on it and the processor I am guessing it is a bit quicker than my gs3 is.
The Galaxy Note II is really a tablet in itself, seems there wouldn't be a whole lot you could do on a 7" tablet you couldn't do on the Note. Samsung is apparently releasing an 8" version of the Galaxy Note 10.1 (or is it an 8" version of the Galaxy Note II?) That might be of interest to you.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1