A1 - GO Launcher EX replaces Lenovo Launch widget


Jun 4, 2011
I recently decided that the Launch Widget on the A1 just wasn't to my liking and I downloaded and installed GO LAUNCHER EX. This is a free download from the market and I was pleased with the GO Keyboard for Lenovo (which came with the unit) so I figured I would give the GO Launcher a shot.

I am quite pleased with this Launcher and made it the default (I can always switch back to the Original Widget). I can now decide how many home screens I want and I can choose which will be the default when I press the home button... and I can define the action of the home button and a lot more neat stuff. :)
Did you try any other launchers before deciding on Go EX? I'm also not satisfied with the stock launcher and am looking to replace it.
There are several popular launchers, like ADW and Launcher Pro... and they each have free versions... and when you get their free version they are often lacking something and have ads to purchase the full EX version. GO Launcher EX is totally free so i tried that first and I am quite pleased and felt no need to try the others. I have looked at Youtube videos of the others and didn't see anything special. Plus there is no harm in setting it up because it uninstalls just as easy and you can even leave a launcher menu and choose which one you want at any given time.
I installed go launcher on my kids A1's. I like it quite a bit. Seems to run pretty snappy and better than the built in one.
I too use GO Launcher. It does what I want so no need to look further. I also use GO Locker and the GO Keyboard (not the GO Keyboard for Lenovo.) It is head and shoulders above the Lenovo version, There are also GO Widgets (the power widget is one.) All told I wish that Lenovo would just switch to the GO apps.
Another vote here for the GO launcher - IMO it transforms the user experience of the A1 & makes it fell like the quality tablet that it is :)