About to buy an Asus 10


Jul 29, 2013
Sorry if this has already been asked but I'm about to buy my first tablet and am 99.9% certain it will be the Asus 10" but one question I have is........now that I know my cameras will accept micro SD cards will I be able to download the pictures to the integral memory of the tablet as a holding bay till I can put them on my laptop/PC for times when I'm away from home and don't want to take the laptop with me, or is it likely that I could download straight from the camera via a connector.

Also what is the largest sized micro SD card will the Asus10 will accept?
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I have a customer, a professional photographer, doing exactly that but the problem is that his photos are so large (min. 32MB). that he mostly uses it for preview and only stores a limited number on the tablet. The ASUS tablets can use 64GB microSD cards without a problem.