AC1S x220 v2 10 inch tablet - Help!!


Nov 8, 2011
Hi this is my first post, I've just got the A1CS x220 v2 tablet (capacitive screen) from
Seems like a good tablet but I'm struggling to find any official support for it and the manual that came with it was next to useless!
At the moment, my USB keyboard's shift key doesn't work, making it pretty much unusable. The touch screen is also a bit laggy and the stylus not usable either.
As far as I can tell the tablet is the same as the variant 2 version of superpad II but I cant be sure as it is a multi-touch screen, rather than resistive. I'm a bit worried about putting on a new firmware / rom in case it turns it into a placemat... I see there are a few 'official' rom updates which fix the problems I'm having but if anyone could confirm it's the same pad I'd be grateful!

Thanks very much
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I am also having trouble with the Superpad i7 and can't find any official help for it. I cant connect to any wi-fi and can't figure out how to restore the factory settings to it. If anyone could help me that would be great.
