Acer A700 With a Whopping 10.1-inch 1920×1200 Resolution Screen Leaks!


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
by Rajesh Pandey | Friday, 30th Dec 2011 |

It looks like we will be seeing some Retina Display tablets in 2012 with quad-core processors and powerful GPUs. Acer’s upcoming A700 tablet made a surprise appearance in Russia.

The A700 is a next-generation Honeycomb tablet, which will be powered by a quad-core Tegra 3 processor from Nvidia. However, the most interesting part of the tablet is its 10.1-inch screen. Apparently, it has a whopping resolution of 1920×1200, higher than any other tablet in the Market currently, including the iPad 2.

Other features of the A700 include a micro-SIM card slot, micro-HDMI port, microUSB port, a hardware rotation lock switch, and a 5MP camera aided by an LED flash. The tablet is mainly made out of plastic, and weighs in only 1.45lbs. Acer states that the tablet should last you 10 hours on a single charge.

It will be interesting to see how the Tegra 3 inside the A700 handles games at such a high resolution. The iPad 3 is also expected to come with a Retina Display with a similar resolution. The iPad 2 currently boasts the best hardware found inside a tablet.

For pictures and a little more info, click: (Source)
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This tablet looks incredible, especially given Acer's recent statement as to their dedication to the tablet market. It looks, though, like the author of this article hasn't heard of the Asus Transformer Prime, available now, that makes the iPad2 look like last years technology, and this new Acer looks better yet. The iPad3 will be playing carch up instead of setting the standard.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
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The author of the source article did mention the T-Prime. I'm editing my post to make the link more obvious.