Acer Aims at the iPad Mini with Iconia A1-810 Jelly Bean 4.2 Tablet for €199


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Acer is looking to challenge the iPad Mini in Europe with a new affordable and powerful tablet called the A1-810. The specs are very agressive considering the price-point is expected to be €199. These specs are either equal to or greater than the current-gen iPad Mini, but the price is considerably cheaper. Here's a spec breakdown:
  • 7.9 inch IPS display with 1024 x 768 pixels (the same display in the iPad Mini)
  • Android 4.2 Jelly Bean
  • Quad-core 1.2GHz MediaTek MT8125 processor
  • Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0
  • GPS
  • HDMI port
  • VGA front-facing camera
  • 5MP rear camera
  • 1GB of RAM
  • 16GB of internal memory
  • MicroSD card support
  • Weighs 460 grams, measures 208.7 x 145.7 x 10.5 mm
  • 3,250 mAh battery
Supposedly, with the help of this little tablet (and several others in their lineup), Acer plans on selling 7 Million Android tablets this year.

Source: UnWiredView
First of all, I want to express how happy I am seeing the changes in todays world related with technology, I can see today the war between notebooks and tablets but, how everything started!

Long time ago and because of my boss, I started playing with a tablet PC, an Acer tablet 100 something, I think. We wanted to improve the way we do things in a private hospital and I was the most technologically able of the group, involved, even in the upgrade of the 6 OR's to make them 100% digital and with the setup to broadcast everything all over the world with 4 cameras (analog! in the hand, the manual light, in the ceiling and the overall view) and with a real fiber optic T1 for videoconference!! and I'm talking about 2003 !!!

Bill gates, if you can remember was all the time all over the place with a tablet in his hands...
I loved them!; the handwriting recognition and many other new specifics, but it wasn't the time yet...

So what changed everything really to make it possible?
Well I think 2 great changes in technology:
One the microprocessors and second the batteries!

One thing took it to the other, how?
Well, just Imagine a tablet 1 kg (3 lb) all day in your hands! oh, actually more impossible with 1.5 hours max! for battery Nickel Cadm batteries never worked really...

The change on the speed of microprocessors, their energy consumption and the arrival of lithium batteries made it!
How it happened?

SMARTPHONES!!! Yes, this little guys changed everything!

Think about it, then, better cameras, add a GPS, sensors etc, without the juice, impossible...

But technology is not all, the main reason of all this changes are the war for the best APPS!

How crazy is to get a 900 dls software for 10? or 99,99% of any software for 99 cents? WOW! this changed the world and how things are played today, and we have to admit that who started all this change was RIP Steve Jobs with the apple music store, show the world that "a nobody" can fight the huge mega music companies and sell your music in 99 cents and, even become rich!!!

After only few years (look! less than 10!) we changed from a little phone and or a 17 inch laptop to something in between, and even Steve Jobs swered that the Ipad was going to be one size only, see what happened...All sizes everywhere every brand. Like Kodak for the photography industry, here , who didn't see the change, died, like Blackberry (OMG!!!! Impossible!!!), yes sorry, death and others like Google, are taking over the world!

For me, very sad, I can't even use my desktop properly anymore, I tend to touch the screen (well, one of the 3, 27 inch) all the time.

I'm trying to became 100% tablet, it is way more efficient than a desktop.

Well you can't do everything in your tablet (Asus transformer Prime 201) but, in the short future we will, the market is deciding what is the best for everyone and how, but the demon is already out, and I'm loving it!!!

The changes coming in the next months/years I think will be related with the generation and use of energy, but the most important (not the batteries) is the storage of energy, clean energy.

I'm so loving it that I want to born again 3 times minimum...

Once we have (they are already there) the energy changes meaning unplug from the grid, we will be in heaven! no hunger, in the world and rocket launch for global technology, research and creativity...