Acer info re 3.1 update


Jun 12, 2011
Why can't Acer inform the owner of A500 about the OTA update. All is kep't so secret and it ends up in roumers and all kind of discussions. Acer would be well aware about the situation and how frustrated people are. Is it a Acer policy or what?
If anyone at Acer read this, think it over and keep your customers informed in an open and straight way. How hard could that be?
I'm sick and tired of these mumbling promises. My opinion is that the electronic buisness so often keep their custumers in some kind of infomativ darkness. If it depends of incompitens or what I don't know but it must come to a change. People are much more understanding if they get straight information. That's one of the cornerstones in a good and honest relation.
Keep that in mind you Acer people out there!
My opinion is that the electronic buisness so often keep their custumers in some kind of infomativ darkness. If it depends of incompitens or what I don't know but it must come to a change. People are much more understanding if they get straight information. That's one of the cornerstones in a good and honest relation.
Keep that in mind you Acer people out there!

Spend one week in customer relations / tech support and you will change your tune.

If you mention a tentative, target, best effort, preliminary, estimated, earliest possible release date it immediately becomes an iron clad promise and if you miss it by 3 minutes children on every blog site accuse you of dragging your feet, threaten to switch to some other product, and whine like you ran over their dog.

There is simply no incentive to tell people anything because it just engenders rage when you miss it by a hair, or if it still has one little bug when it finally arrives.

If they put the update on their site for end-user download, the 1/10th of 1% of their customers that frequent these forums would do the download just fine.
But 99.9% of the overall customer base would not fare so well, and there would be bricked tablets flowing into the repair centers.
This is why they choose OTA updates, because if they take the time to do it right it almost always works. Even Apple and their cable-update has a huge rash of bricked phones every time they release an upgrade for the iphones.

So ask yourself this: Do you want it right away, or do you want it RIGHT?
Of course I want it right and it´s OK with OTA. But try to understand my point or give me the address to Acers support-page where they explain the progress of the update. Bad or god information, I dont´t care. You think it´s better a lot of people guessing what´s happening or what?. You know, I´ve gone through it so many times re. other companies and updates. Of course I just can forget about it. It come when it comes and so on. You say "Spend one week in customer relations / tech support and you will change your tune." My answer would be that "there are some problems at the moment, we will be back asap we know more." That´s support and you don´t have to explain the details. And I can tell you that I´m in the tech support myself at the company I work in so it´s no news to me what you´re talking about.
What is your issue with it? Have you not gotten it yet, or are you having issues with it?

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Well I understand on part of the end user and on the mfr. It is a double edge sword and it can be deadly on both parts. Best thing is if it works wait if it doesn't get with tech support and get what ever support to get it working. On my part I prefer to wait for something that is going to be right and is not gonna make matters worse. Like the (dont quote me) but the Xoom i thinknis the one that the microsd slot doesn't work they say the 3.1 update is suppose to fix it. DO WHAT my A**. So like I say send me something that works not something that is going to stop something that was working...............;-}
Well I understand on part of the end user and on the mfr. It is a double edge sword and it can be deadly on both parts. Best thing is if it works wait if it doesn't get with tech support and get what ever support to get it working. On my part I prefer to wait for something that is going to be right and is not gonna make matters worse. Like the (dont quote me) but the Xoom i thinknis the one that the microsd slot doesn't work they say the 3.1 update is suppose to fix it. DO WHAT my A**. So like I say send me something that works not something that is going to stop something that was working...............;-}
OH and my wife and i both have the A500's
The 3.1 update was released over the air a couple of weeks ago, and it had some issues. It wouldn't work for me and for a lot of other people. When I called tech support, they were clueless about an update. They had no idea what I was talking about.

I couldn't believe it. How were they not briefed about this?

Then, since they didn't know of any update that was going out, they defaulted to the irritating pat answers we all hate.

So, now, since they pulled that update...we're all waiting for the correct one to come out. It was supposed to come out the very next day...but that was 2 weeks ago.

All they can say is that it will push to our device when it is ready. Um, yeah, thanks for the information.
The 3.1 update was released over the air a couple of weeks ago, and it had some issues. It wouldn't work for me and for a lot of other people. When I called tech support, they were clueless about an update. They had no idea what I was talking about.

I couldn't believe it. How were they not briefed about this?

Then, since they didn't know of any update that was going out, they defaulted to the irritating pat answers we all hate.

So, now, since they pulled that update...we're all waiting for the correct one to come out. It was supposed to come out the very next day...but that was 2 weeks ago.

You are conflating several events.

An update to 3.0.1, so small it didn't even get its own point number, was pulled. That was many weeks ago.

3.1 is still pushing to those who do not have it already. It has not been pulled.
It pushes in serial number order. Yours will show up some day, but constant checking for new update seems not to work.
I chatted with a Mohhamed guy at Acer support yesterday and all he would tell me is that it started in the western US and is working east and to be patient.
I chatted with a Mohhamed guy at Acer support yesterday and all he would tell me is that it started in the western US and is working east and to be patient.

So, exactly opposite of what happened last time when it first appeared in Florida.
I suspect this guy knows nothing and was feeding you anything to get you off the line.

Acer has stated on several occasions that it goes in serial number order.
So, exactly opposite of what happened last time when it first appeared in Florida.
I suspect this guy knows nothing and was feeding you anything to get you off the line.

Acer has stated on several occasions that it goes in serial number order.

I contact Acer tech support last night and they said due to the number of issues reported with wifi connectivity after updating they have halted the OTA to fix the issue with wifi. Once its fixed they will resume the global OTA release of 3.1 and those currently running 3.1 having wifi issues will also receive an updated version of Android 3.1 with the fix in place.

They did not have information to give at this time on Android 3.2 thats already being released to Motorola Xoom and Asus Transformer.

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