Adobe Flash Player


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2011
Hi All,
My one biggest issue with my gTablet running VEGAn-7.1.0-smb_a1002 , is it's inability to be able to play flash content properly. I truly hope that SOMEDAY the android os can get this resolved. How do the rest of you gtab owners feel ?
David :(
In what way is it not playing Flash properly?.. my experience with most of the roms and content that I've encountered... I've had very few issues...
Say for instance..watching a movie on hulu, when I arrive at that site..there's a prompt that the latest version of adobe flash player is required.
That's hulu blocking Android... they want you to subscribe to their Hulu plus service and pay to access content via mobile.

There is a hacked version of Flash player that WILL allow you to watch Hulu content... you can do a google search and prob find it...