Ainol Novo 7 Fire unroot

What are you trying to do exactly? just remove root, or return to stock.

to remove root, remove the su from /system/xbin and /system/bin

to return to stock, you need to get a copy of stock firmware and install just like you did the custom firmware.
WHat do you mean by removing the su? I am new to this stuff.

Pretty clear from your last two posts root has nothing to due with your problems, the problems are within the custom rom, flash back to stock rom.

su is root, root is simply a binary file called su, removing the su binary removes root, but wont in no way fix your problems, you will still have the same problems you have now except you will be unrooted.
There are two major problems such as overheating whilst charging and vibration when touching screen even when I deselect the option.
Hi, I have the opposite of OP's problem. I have deleted the SU file in xbin. How do I root my Ainol Novo 7 fire tablet again?