Ainol Novo7 Advanced on Public Trial ICS Firmware


Dec 8, 2011
Just a few days ago (7th Dec), one of Ainol's beta testers released a trial version of ICS 4.0 for Novo7A users to get a feel of what to expect.

The firmware being v0.13, is the 3rd versions of what Ainol had given to their beta testers. It's still in the early developement stage, with no market, flash and compatibility on Mali400 GPU is poor. Many APK don't install well. Personally I tested it for less than half an hour and went back to 2.3.4 firmwares.

A day later on 8th Dec, a new ICS 4.0 v0.131 was released. It fix most of the APK installation problem, which means more apps can now be installed. I was curious about this fix and wrote up a quick full market & gmail script for Novo7A ICS 0.13/0.131 firmware. It works great, all the basic apps I'd tested were able to install from market. These include skype, go keyboard, chainfire3d, ti backup, etc.

The whole Android ICS experience is still not as good as Novo7A on 2.3.4 firmware, but it'll improved once Mali400 GPU compatibility is up. There's white garbage appearing whenever you rotate screen, this last for 1/2 or 1 secs. The scrolling is not as smooth, but it's not sticky. Some lags/hangs every now and then, given it's a trial firmware, I think it's actually very good. Free memory hangs around 170MB when you kill tasks, which is pretty decent.

Novo7A had proven it is possible to run ICS decently (if not well) on a single-core A8 processor with 512MB RAM. Can't wait for the official release of ICS on Novo7A :)

There's a thread in tabletrepublic which talks more on ICS on Novo7A, including the firmware, script, some screenshots and a youtube video playing Galaxy on Fire 2 with ICS 0.131 firmware. Anyone interested, can do a search for it. :)

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I read that they stopped producing the Novo 7 Advanced, I hope I'm wrong.
(I wouldn't be surprised if they planned the same for Novo 7 Basic).
Now I see the Anal Paladin's coming with ICS (and no cam and no hdmi out still keeping the $100 price tag), I wish someone had some real answers about Basic, Advanced, Paladin, and ICS -what's really going on!
I think they're hoping everyone will buy the cheap one (while dropping ICS support for the others)
It all seems like bad business to me...
They come out blasting ICS for this tablet, showing Basic (or Advance) in their video -yet ship it without AND are only in Beta for 4.0. What happened to Google's Certification!?

UPDATE: Not even a month after the ICS "news" I find that this company's plaining on releasing ELF a new tab with an ARM processor to replace the Advanced.
Don't buy a Basic or Paladin -Both come with a MIPS processor (with about zero support to come with this new news). In fact beware of this company altogether!
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Just getting into a Paladin I got yesterday. Flash, YouTube and Market have issues. I realize I bought a cheap import for the ICS experience. Thankfully I'm retired and have time to waste.
All kinds of apps that I got for my Android 2.2 then 2.3 phone dont seem to exist when I go to standard Android market. I made the mistake of getting the chinese version of speedtest from the APK market. It wont show up "not found" when searching what looks like the normal Android market.