Airplay plus Tethering Simultaneously - Nexus 7


Apr 1, 2013

considering purchasing one of these tablets but would like to have some advice first to make sure it can do what I need it to do. I want to use it in my car for navigation and music playback. The tablet would be tethered to my iPhone 4S in order to be able to receive data from the network. My iPhone is jailbroken and I have TetherMe installed which allows BT and WiFi tethering. I will also have a WiFi connection between the tablet and an Airport Express so that I can use Airplay to stream music through the AE to my car audio system.

So the question is, can I have two simultaneous connections, one with the iPhone for data, and one with the AE for Airplay? How can I make this work? Can I have two WiFi connections? If not, can I use BT for data and WiFi for Airplay?

Thanks in advance for any info you guys can give me in this regard!