All in one tool (possible developement)


Jul 7, 2012
Howdy folks,

I know I am new to this forum having just purchased my Coby tablet. I have not really found a great tool for rooting and pushing CWM or anything else.
I have enlisted the help of a dev from another site Hasoon2000. He said he would be willing to work up an all in one that was easy to use but will need a tablet.

I dont know if this is allowed here but if we can all pitch in via his paypal so he can at least get the 7 inch tab then we can all benefit. He is going to be registering on the site.

He does some great work with Anrdoid phones. PLease give me some feedback if anyone else is interested in helpin this greta dev get a tab so he can work his magic for us in the tab world!
Apparently my post struck a negative chord with some. It is not meant as a blast on the devs already here.
More of a way to get another Dev here to help increase the work being done with these tablets.
Especially making a GUI in a Windows enviornment that is easy for people to use.
My apologies to any I offended.
mahgninnuc93 said:
Apparently my post struck a negative chord with some. It is not meant as a blast on the devs already here.
More of a way to get another Dev here to help increase the work being done with these tablets.
Especially making a GUI in a Windows enviornment that is easy for people to use.
My apologies to any I offended.

First off, only hillbillies use windows anymore, if your really doing stuff on android then learn how to install a dual boot of linux. Secondly, the reason your getting bad talk is because you suggested this forum give money so that some guy can get a one of these coby 3rd gens and start cooking stuff up. Why would anyone do this? Sure, only broke people by the coby tabs, so you wont find to many people with developing exprience caring about these walmart tabs. Still, android is nothing but a small linux build, and from the people here calling themselves devs you can infer that its not hard stuff to learn, in fact , all the knowledge needed to dev can be learned from looking over ubuntu forum howtos without a mention of android. In closing, your proposal sounds like a really poorly hatched scam.