Allwinner A23 Freezing


Senior Member
Aug 24, 2018
Hi all,
I've had this tablet for a long time, and have rooted it; but recently I put an application on that seems to have had a bad effect. It freezes after starting. (I've forgotten the name of the application I installed.). It could also be because I overclocked it too high or some setting I changed, I'm not really sure.
I have tried the various remedies suggested on the net, i.e. holding power and up volume buttons, until restart, followed by wiping the cache and factory resets. Nothing prevents the screen freeze; but the factory reset did give a different screen after starting, which did not respond either. The internal storage (recovery menu) show several entries; but I'm not sure which one might do anything). The external storage option does not have any entries, even with the SD card installed. I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me.
Here's what I know about the tablet:
It's the Pandigital white 7" screen
Android version 4.22 firmware 2.0.8
A23 processor
Model Q8H
I appreciate any help.
........ john
It seems that you've performed all the possible solutions.. According to my knowledge, the only solution left is flashing the firmware..But, I'm not much aware of this tablet type as I'm a Samsung user..You'd better check manufacturer site or other reputed developers site for a solution
Pandigital likely never offered a copy of their ROM for download. I don't believe it will help as the hardware is just too old and is dying.
Hi Traveller/Erica,
Thanks for replying. Is there anything I can do with this thing? It boots up, but does not respond to screen touch. (I have to shut it down using the power button.) When it's connected to the computer, two drives show up in explorer [F: and G:] which the properties report as 'no drive present'. I can get into recovery mode using the power and sound up buttons, but none of the usual options correct the problem (and I don't see the SD card). Easy ADB shows applications and devices but any changes I make don't stick on restarting. I think I screwed it up by adding some app, of which I can't remember the name. I don't think Windows 7 is detecting it properly; although it does show up in the device manager as 'Adroid Device' - 'Android ADB Interface'. (It is rooted.)
Any help is appreciated. I have no idea what to do with it. (I was using it to store music and pictures.)
....... john
There must be some way I can run this thing. I can access everything with the mouse attached ..... after booting, and the touch screen works in recovery, so it's not the screen. I'd like to use it without the mouse. Any suggestions are appreciated.
.......... john
It seems that you've performed all the possible solutions.. According to my knowledge, the only solution left is flashing the firmware..But, I'm not much aware of this tablet type as I'm a Samsung user..You'd better check manufacturer site or other reputed developers site for a solution
HI Erica,
Thanks for your input. I have not been able to find the firmware for it.