Alternative to app2sd >>>> link2sd


I don't know. Maybe someone more technically inclined can address it. It worked for me doing the steps above. I only did this once. We need more people to try and confirm that they can duplicate this process with success. Especially non techies. My suggestions are to keep trying the process. Good luck!

If you don't understand why you are doing what you're doing, read up on it. If you can't find the answer here google it. If you can't risk screwing up your tablet, play it safe. Mine is a learning toy. I have a reliable phone. I like a challenge. I like to make things work!

Sent from my S7
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Thank you. Couldn't have done it without your work, so back atcha!
Thanks also to bakpinar who developed link2sd.
Good luck to anyone adventurous to try. Please post your results.

Sent from my S7
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@50cals- I just went into the the development section and looked for a link2sd thread. I didn't find one. I was originally posting in the apps2sd thread and was directed to post here in the alt to apps2sd- link2sd. So What am I missing? To me, this is the appropriate section. I was not aware that this was posted a week ago with such simplistic instructions.
Hooray! I finally got it working.

My problem was I had still been using link2sd v1.3.0 and it was not working, switched to link2sd v1.3.1 and finally saw my ext2 partition and asked to reboot and install script and works now!

Thanks, Buzzman and Bakpinar!


I don't know. Maybe someone more technically inclined can address it. It worked for me doing the steps above. I only did this once. We need more people to try and confirm that they can duplicate this process with success. Especially non techies. My suggestions are to keep trying the process. Good luck!

If you don't understand why you are doing what you're doing, read up on it. If you can't find the answer here google it. If you can't risk screwing up your tablet, play it safe. Mine is a learning toy. I have a reliable phone. I like a challenge. I like to make things work!

Sent from my S7
good job jjnagy!! Glad you figured it out. Enjoy!

@zuc- I've been playing with this tablet 2 months now. There is a definite learning curve. Don't give up. Take a break, get re-motivated, and try again when your ready! Lot's of help here. (and google what you don't have a clue about)
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Can anyone help me with the move the /data/dalvik-cache move for my S7-104 Best Buy model w/8g internal sdcard I already have C62B011,ext2 and link2sd working. I want and have read that will get me 60M of internal memory for apps. However, I am now confused about which cache mod to use for my setup. Thanks
OK. I figured this link2sd out. Here is what I did.

Reflashed the C62B13 rom-( this is really the C62B11 rom when installed).

It will come up in chinese. Go to settings and 10 lines down you will see an icon with a square and the letter A. (Select this.) Then select the 1st line and you will get your selection of languages. You will also have to go into the keyboard settings- the Huawei IME settings. Select input languages and uncheck Zhuyin. This prevents you from handwriting in chinese. This part is done.

Root your tablet using Z4root

load titanium backup and run- make sure busybox is installed-Version 1.17.2. If you accidentally reinstall, it will give you 1.16 and you will get a force close. If this happens, just go back to problems and uninstall busybox. Look at the root access line and you should now see OK (busybox 1.17.2 from system)

I reformatted my internal sd card (make yourself a backup of your files so you can reinstall( esp. important for aldiko books, or you'll get stuck retransferring your library.)

Using easeus partition manager make your ext 2 partition.

Step 1: Partition your internal SD card. (credit to kevmueller and pvella)

-With your tablet connected to the PC click on the "i" in the upper right corner and under notifications tap on USB connect [Internal SD Card]Select to copy files to/from once you do this you will get a box pop up and you will want to click on Mount.

-Now open up the Partition Manager you downloaded on your PC.

-This will show all the drives you have hooked up to your computer. Your computers hard driver will be Disc 1. If you have only one hard drive and no other drives connected to your computer Disc 2 will be your tablet. This should show as a FAT32 with about 7.53 GB on size. Click on this drive to highligh and then on the toolbar click on Resize/Move.

-In the window that pops up you will then change the Patition Size by subtracting the amount of space you want to have on the card for apps. If you are just starting and are not sure the easiest thing to do would be to change the first number from a 7 to a 6. This will give you almost 1 GB for apps (almost 6x what you have now). This will change you Unallocated Space After to the amount you lowered. It has been recommened that you do not change this to over 2 GB or 2000 MB. Once ready hit OK.

-Now on the toolbar click Apply and click on the options to start this.

-Once done you now have on your tablet a second partition that is Unallocated, click on this and on the toolbar click Create.

-In this menu you will want to change the Create As: to Primary and the File System: to Unformatted. Click OK

-On the toolbar click on Apply and click on the options to start this.

-You now have a second partition on your internal storage card. Close down the PC program and unplug your tablet from the computer and reboot your tablet.

2. Now make your new partition a ext2 file system
Using adb again- Using this command line-- busybox mke2f /dev/block/vold/179:18 -- hit enter, and your done. Disconnect. This will make your ext2 partition usable by link2sd.

I did not use any scripts with this mod. Just did above instructions.

3. Download link2sd from market, run, reboot tablet and you should be good to go. Now restore whatever you need to on your internal card and if your lucky you can start using link2sd. If you get the screen ext2 partition not mounting, you have done something wrong. Reread and give it another go.:eek:

This is where I am now. I need to restore all info and apps. I will update tomorrow.

It's now easier than ever to get this working for android ignorant people like me! Above all, do not panic if something goes wrong. Just work the problem and reach out for help. And learn from your mistakes.:p

I was able to get apps2sd working but experienced so many force close and freeze issues it wasn't worth it for me so I wanted to try this. Thanks to goodoane, kevmueller, and pvella for your input. ( and all others who collaborated to get the apps2sd working)

This works great and i appreciate the work you have done.

I did find a typo in step #2 that may trip up some people. You have "mke2f" and it should be "mke2fs".

Thanks again.
Hi- appreciate the input but I didn't type that. It was copied and pasted from pvella's 3 part check list for apps2sd and I copied and pasted into the command line as posted and adapted for link2sd procedure. Don't take this as defensive on my part! We have to figure out why it worked both ways. Maybe this step isn't even necessary?

Kev or pvella- feel free to chime in.

I'm not a techie. I took command lines from other techies who knew what they were doing. That's why we need people who try this link2sd for dummies to post how they did. I only did this once- said thank god it worked and posted. However, some people are having success with it as is.

Anyone trying this link2sd- skip this step and see if the market app will recognize your ext2 partition..

If not please report which line you used to get the ext2 partition recognized.


Sent from my S7
I have been using

busybox mke2fs /dev/block/vold/179:18

when I make the partition EXT2. Now I have only done this a couple times, twice on my tablet as I formated my internal card one time and it erased the partition and once when I did this on my wifes tablet. If I am redoing this after I flash a new ROM since the partition is already created I skip this step. I however do format that partition to make sure it is clean before I start moving stuff to it.

I don't know enough to say if this is needed or not, I was just following what was in the instructions as well because the people who came up with this know a lot more than I do. A LOT!
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I'm not sure whose instructions I copied from- yours or pvella's.. but its in the middle of the's not like I could have highlighted wrong. I like where I'm at right now so I don't want to redo link2sd. Any takers?

Sent from my S7