Amazon Cloud Player! awesomesauce


Mar 21, 2011
Ok, if you have not gotten the free cloud drive (5 gig), go get it over on amazon! All you need is an amazon account, which i've had for years. If you want, you can upgrade your drive to 20 gigs for a full year with a purchase of any album from amazon (as little as .99 cents).

I am not a HUGE music buff, but i do have about 700 mp3s (2.6 gigs worth). Instead of putting these on the nook, i uploaded them to my cloud drive on Amazon and now stream them onto the Nook using the amazon mp3 app (AND WIDGET). Since the nook is wifi only, this is as quick as if you were clicking on the mp3 from your HD in my opinion. As an added bonus, you can obviously stream them to any PC/Mac with a browser (duh) without having to download - I have done this at work. :eek:

If you have an android phone this obviously means you can stream from there too.

Also, any music mp3s bought from amazon don't count toward your total drive space....which pretty much means unlimited space so long as you buy from Amazon. Their prices, as far as I can tell, are on par with itunes.

i'm in love. :rolleyes:
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