Amazon Kindle Fire vs. B&N Nook Tablet: Is there a clear winner? (review)


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
By Matthew Miller | November 18, 2011, 4:15am PST
Summary: The Amazon Kindle Fire and Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet are likely the hottest tech products for the holiday season and fill both eReader and Android tablet needs for less than $250.

If you want a device primarily to read ebooks, then get an eInk device like the Kobo eReader Touch, Nook Simple Touch, or Kindle Touch because nothing beats matching the book experience like eInk and these devices minimize unnecessary distractions. However, if you want a low cost tablet for media consumption (music and videos), games, web browsing, and more with the ability to also read books then the Amazon Kindle Fire and Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet are two solid devices to consider. I have been using both for a couple days and am having a tough time choosing just one.

You can check out several product photos and screenshots of both the Kindle Fire and Nook Tablet in my image gallery along with a video walkthrough of them below with my detailed thoughts on how they compare to each other, other 7 inch tablets, and the Apple iPad.

Continue Reading @ Amazon Kindle Fire vs. B&N Nook Tablet: Is there a clear winner? (review) | ZDNet
Well, some good points are raised in favor of the Fire. I like the Tablet but I bought it based on factors that for me made it worth it. What troubles me about the NT is that it seems, unlike Amazon, B&N has not yet released the source code. This will put a damper on full blown development. It also seems like out of the box the Fire is a bit more "open".