AMLogic Tablets, 7033, 7035, 7065, 7060, and So On: Repair Tablet from SD Card

That is done via adb, Coby disabled adb to stop that. On a working tablet one replaces the boot.img and recovery.img then they always have adb so the problem is fixed.
I am not a windows guy, but have talked to a few window devs they believe it's a driver problem that can't be fixed cause coby didn't release their drivers to allow these tools to communicate with the tablet.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Android Phone

So you say that if I use Linux I can, through adb, replace boot.img and recovery.img even if I cannot activate USB debugging? If so, how can I do it?
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Nope, never said that at all.
Merry Christmas all, look at this again after the holidays.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Android Phone
And Merry Christmas to you vampirefo, plus all here :)

I believe the situation is that the tool needed to access adb just isn't around and Coby (nor AKAI) will release it. So the Windows guys were asked if they knew more. I could be wrong, but that's my take on it, rather than platform problems.
Always troubling, is that Android is an open source platform and Coby can't care now for any rights to their methods, cos they've gone belly up. Short of a court order though, could Google help at all ?
It all seems weird and bizarre.

I decided to try another SDcard boot. An old card of 2GB has been troublesome recently in a digital camera and so I thought it could be repurposed. The 7033 specific files and the update from the Penta brand tablet were made into a .iso.
The card may or may not boot, but it doesn't on the tablet so far.

Say, wait a minute, what about Penta ? if that one is a clone/copy as well ?
Merry Christmas all. Hope to read again after the holidays. I'm sure something will come up.
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Ok I finally got this fixed, I spent all day on and off on this, I finally said f_____ windows and went bad to bread and butter Linux. I wrote my own files to hack this bad boy, you guys that want to continue working on windows method of this can do so, as for me, Linux only method.

Now my method can be used by windows users also, as I have made this as simple as possible. You will need adb setup and a sdcard, I use a card reader another android device would work also to transfer the stuff to sdcard.
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Hey all! A belated Merry Christmas/Happy and Prosperous New Year wish to you all!(warm smilz) Haven't had time to get on here lately, as my son and ex-wife are here in Oregon for the holidays. Be well, be safe, and again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Best regards always!(smilz)
Vampire, ALL your hard work's looking great! I have a butt-load of reading/catching up to do!(smilz) Be safe now, and have a great New Year's!
Well this thread has ran it's course, we have accomplished our goals of being able to repair these tablets from sdcard.
-exec 'system/bin/sh' failed: No such file or directory (2) when i type in adb shell :help:

Means you have no system, could be many reasons, you modified your tablet, and system lost permissions, or you could have deleted system.
Restore your back up or find a backup for your tablet.
Which of the tablets in this thread do you have?

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Android Phone
actually, no, i just want to know the reason why its like that. my tablet is a rockchip MID7038, thanks for the help about answering the question :)
i have coby mid 8065 alogic after upgradin wrong firmware now red light only when insert charger
I reopened work on the tablet...!
And wanted to confirm that its got VIMICRO chipset inside.
And now trying to reach the stage I was in a few weeks back :)
Anybody got a MID7035 working again ?
as each tablet might have a different recovery.fstab, each user can simply unzip fake recovery add their own recovery.fstab then rezip it, so I wont have to make a bunch of different recoveries everyone can use the same one and modify to their tablet.

OK, based on this advice, I did as follows on my Pendo/Coby MID9762 :
1. Extracted "recovery.img" using instructions you posted elsewhere here.
2. Used your "" under cygwin to decompress the above, seeking "recovery.fstab".
3. Following the example in your "" file, I commented out the first few lines of the above.

So the resulting "recovery.fstab" is as follows :
# mount point    fstype        device            device2
#/bootloader    mtd        bootloader
#/logo        mtd        logo
#/aml_logo    mtd        aml_logo
#/recovery    mtd        recovery
/boot        mtd        boot
/system        ubifs        system
/factory    yaffs2        factory
/cache        yaffs2        cache
/data        ubifs        userdata
/sdcard        vfat      /dev/block/mmcblk0p#  /dev/block/cardblksd#
/media        vfat        /dev/block/avnftl9p1    /dev/block/avnftlj1

So now I simply replace "etc/recovery.fstab" in "" to create a new "fake recovery" that I'll rename as ""?


PS. Nope, it's not so simple. The ZIP fake recovery isn't accepted, it seems there's some sort of signing step required, I need to research further ....

PPS. OK, I've found a few signing solutions, and selected this one as the easiest to use :
Auto APK/ZIP Signer in Windows

However, the end result still isn't accepted by the tablet. The problem seems to be due to the 'zipalign' step at the end. So reversing the order of the steps, we end up with a ZIP that isn't fully aligned but is accepted by the tablet (same as "" is). This is achieved by changing the "do2.cmd" file of this Signer package as follows :
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
@ECHO off

SET rom=%1

copy !rom! x!rom!

cd lib

rem zip align
zipalign -f 4 ..\x!rom!  ..\signed-!rom!

rem sign the rom
java -Xmx512m -jar signapk.jar -w testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 ..\signed-!rom! ..\signed-!rom!

cd ..\
del x!rom!
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