An SMTP email app that actually sends mail?


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2011

I have tried about a dozen email applications including K-9 and the Google email app, and not one of them can send a message out through an SMTP server; the same one I use with Thunderbird on my desktop PC. Reading mail is easy with K-9, but the messages aren't deleted from the server, which is not a problem.

The problem with every application is that they just can't login to the SMTP server. They all want to use some kind of authentication that the mail server doesn't accept, or the application just doesn't work.

The SMTP server requires:

port: 587
security: NONE
authentication: NONE

K-9 does not have an authentication type such as "none."

I have talked with my email provider, and we tried every reasonable setting, with no productive result. Could this be a problem with the device?

I like the K-9 app, and would like to use that, if I can get it to communicate. Unfortunately, you can't get to the K-9 log file without the android ADT, so the K-9 app is basically useless for most current email/SMTP servers.

I'd appreciate some help. I bought the tablet to use when away from the house.

I use Kaiten with the following email SMTP services with no issue:


I do not have my tablet handy to see if it has an option for NONE for the security and authentication. I will try to remember to look later today.
Here is a screenshot of the Kaiten outgoing mail settings:


It looks like you can do a none and none for security and authentication.

I just wasted my $5 on Kaiten 1.250. It's same same exact app as K-9 with different screen layouts & colours. :(

You must have a different OS version that affects the way it works. I have Android 2.2.1
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Email the Dev and ask them. They are very responsive in my experience and let you know if they can add the functionality. If not, they may refund your purchase.
I think I did get it to send!

I tried a crazy thing and disabled "require Password" for sending and it seems to have the effect I wanted- to send a message. Apparently, it still uses the password to send a message through an SMTP server, but no security or authentication is used, since none was selected.

Why didn't I think of this when setting up K-9?? :mad:

Now I'm wondering why the application is still on my device, thought I thought I uninstalled it for a refund before the 15 min. time-limit expired. I suppose I still own the copy.

I'll be seding some feedback to the developers on this. Thanks for the help. :)