android 2.2 mid tablet operating system needed......please can someone help???


Mar 30, 2012
hi, i am trying to find the operating system for this tablet ... i purchased it from e-bay and after receiving it i found that the seller had removed the sd card with all the files on:mad::mad:!!! after contact he said that i only need to download the files to a new card and i should be off and running..... but after 3 weeks of e-mails and internet searching i have had no luck....please can someone help me with this...this tablet is apparently one of the ones produced from china....

i have tried the company direct with no luck.

i have also been to PC world with no luck--they suggested finding someone who has this tablet and getting a copy of the files from their tablet/sd card sent to me...but again no luck

i have tried android market but it wants to download to my mobile and nowhere else

when the tablet is turned on it stops at the screen with bot in the middle and thats it.....

screen shows android os 2.2
kernel 2.6.32
build number v1.3.0
try downloading uberoid rom. This is a custom rom designed for wm8650 based devices (which yyours probably is. If you have the correct model number of your device his is fairly straightforward. If not you will just need to keep trying different numbers in its changer.bat files until one works properly. This will root your tab and make it work much better than the stock software does. There are links on the wondermedia based section of this forum(look under more android devices). Follow the instructions carefully when down loading rom to your sd card. The files will download on your pc zipped & you will need to unzip files, open changer.bat files and on the screen that should pop up, type in the number appropriate to your device. Then load tp your tab and wait til it starts up. If I doesn't start. You need to try another number. Keep trying til it works. It can take time and try your patience but it is worth it in the end. Good luck.

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