Android Mid 2 Not starting


Apr 4, 2011

I purchased all three of my sons a Mid in Hong Kong while on holiday - tested them there and all was working. We have moved on to Beijing now one has stopped working. When you turn it on it shows the green android and then the MID screen it then goes black.

Any ideas on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated - cannot take it back to supplier! Also do not want to spend my last day in Beijing trying to find someone to fix it!

Many thanks

I have the smae problem with my mid 2.2......screen goes black after five minutes of turnig on.....This is my second one

I have been reading NUMEROUS other posts - a lot refer to loading software with an SD card - I have an SD card and another PC I can use to download but have no idea where to get the software I need to save on the SD card. I have found that if you hold the two buttons down at the time you turn it on it expects you to put an SD card in for recovery. None of the three came with an SD card. Any links to the correct software to save to my SD card would be much appraciated!!