Android Open Platform

It becomes tablet hybrid. Read more here It's easy to use the Cruz ROM MOD 2.1 but remember one thing this is a E-reader doesn't have all the hardware button stuff. So these ROMs uses software base buttons. Still okay. But there are times the buttons don't appear in the app as it covers the buttons then your stuck. Some use the volume to move around then when you need to use the volume for sound your stuck too.
The Cruz mod and the open platform are different. I believe the Cruz mod is a hack of the Cruz reader software. The open platform indeed turns it into similar to an Augen. I have been running it for several weeks and the only problems are these. Some .apks do not work on it. Kindle does but nook does not. Many do so it is trial and error. The other problem is that it likes to turn itself on about once a day. If I unplug it and am using it during the day, not a problem thus far but if I leave it plugged in more than 24 hours it will turn on. Apps market does not work - but there are a bunch of apk sites around so you can probably find what you want.

I use the advanced task killer to kill everything but still it likes to turn on.

Wifi works well, I run a number of apps.

The internal sd card is not recognized so be aware of that.

I am hoping that they come out with froyo with these problems fixed but who would know.
Thanks for the info. Is it possible to return back to the original configuration if the downsides are too great or are you stuck with the 'upgrade'?

Many thanks,


The Cruz mod and the open platform are different. I believe the Cruz mod is a hack of the Cruz reader software. The open platform indeed turns it into similar to an Augen. I have been running it for several weeks and the only problems are these. Some .apks do not work on it. Kindle does but nook does not. Many do so it is trial and error. The other problem is that it likes to turn itself on about once a day. If I unplug it and am using it during the day, not a problem thus far but if I leave it plugged in more than 24 hours it will turn on. Apps market does not work - but there are a bunch of apk sites around so you can probably find what you want.

I use the advanced task killer to kill everything but still it likes to turn on.

Wifi works well, I run a number of apps.

The internal sd card is not recognized so be aware of that.

I am hoping that they come out with froyo with these problems fixed but who would know.
Warning and Rescue plan for open platform kit

Ok. First a disclaimer: I'm not a “posting” sort of guy and if this is in the wrong place, administrator or moderator, please feel to move or copy it.

I was originally going to do the hack to unlock the Novel hat has been discussed for some time.. Then I found the Open Platform kit that Pandigital just started offering as a download so it seemed a safe and obvious choice.

Pandigital says on their web site that it voids the warranty and they provide no support. Still, it seemed like a safe thing to do. Fortunately, before I did the deed, I had the presence of mind to preserve the old configuration and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to modify their pandigital to do the same. It's not hard and it sure saved my butt.

First, general Open Platform kit comments: Although Pandigital says that you can still use the unit as an e-reader after the open platform kit, I could not figure out how. I found that the Novel was considerably transformed. Mostly (but not entirely) better for Internet use. However, besides being somewhat awkward. A) I could not, for the life of me, figure out how to get to any kind of e-reader. And B) I could not get any Android apps loaded even if I used a PC and SD card system to load them. So, there I was, I'd lost my e-reader, couldn't load the apps I wanted and I'd voided my warranty. Ouch!!

Fortunately I saved myself: The Pandigital open platform kit instructions tell you how to remove their micro SD card from inside the Novel so I won't repeat it here. The key though is, after you remove that micro SD, but before transferring their new files to it, simply copy the contents of the card somewhere that you can store it for later use. I was able to successfully return my Novel to it's original state simply by reinstalling the original files to the SD card and running the standard firmware update.

So, be warned, protect yourself!

As for the E-reader and loading apps: I'd love to learn how to keep my e-reader and get a fully functioning Android platform. But at first glance, the Pandigital download didn't seem to do it. Any insights anyone?
The open platform can indeed be reversed to one of the pandigital firmwares.

As to ereader on the open platform: There are several ereaders available on the net that install and work nicely. Ireader for one, which I use all the time.

Other software can be easily downloaded from the net from a number of sites. They are in .apk format, you copy them to your sd card (external) and just tap them in file explorer and they will install.

As to keeping the original ereader software, I do not know if it is possible, but seem to remember some doing it but I do not remember if it was on the open platform or not. You might snoop out forum on pandigital. Be sure to search first, they are snippity about just asking questions without snooping first. They seem to be down this morning so you may have to try later.
Thanks very much for the thoughtful responses. I think I'll leave things alone and experiment with a generic android tablet. The Novel is a really good reader and gives me access to the internet while traveling.


I have been trying to update the unit to the open platform following the directions on their website. After it starts to apply the update, it goes to a triangle with an exclamation point in it and the android logo below it. I have tried resetting and restarting to no avail. Any ideas?
Be sure you have the right file, one is for the black pd and the other for the white.

Take the cover off and pull the battery plug for a few minutes.

Be sure to remove the internal card per their instructions.

Try it two or three times if you have problems, mine hung in the middle first time but went right in the next.

Trust one of those will be the key.
Thanks very much for the thoughtful responses. I think I'll leave things alone and experiment with a generic android tablet. The Novel is a really good reader and gives me access to the internet while traveling.



thats what i plan to do.. i have been reading since yesterday when i bought the PDN, flashed it to couple of ROMs even the cruz, they all work with deficits, some big some small. the original software works great and i am basically going to use to use it as book reader and some surfing. the cruz ROM was pretty good and nice, but rebooting, it got stuck.
Hi guys,
I have followed the pandigital instructions to the key and upon updating I get the exclamation point, I saw the other post and I am sure I have done it right. Should I just continue to try to update till it works? Also upon transferring the zipped file it tells me to have all multi volumes buttons or something along those lines. I think these two are connected.

I am also redownloading thezip file but it is going at 16 kb/s.... taking forever!
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Just to be clear, the instructions say to remove the internal MicroSD which I have now done. Am I supposed to move the .zip file for open android to this MicroSD that I just removed? And then put the MicroSD back inside before flashing? If so, why can't one simply connect the Novel to their PC with the MicroSD still in the tablet and move it over that way?
you pull the card, copy file to external card, install external, flash unit, when it is running reinstall the internal. Check the instructions but I think that is about it.
I did It and mess up my e reader and take out the the sd card so now what Can I reload and fix it HOW PLEASE HELP