Android Tablet Apps Survey

1.Cruz t301 OS 2.2
2. File mgnt, wireless connectivity to my W7 desktop
3. No Android market access, fine buying directly.
ASUS Transformer TF101
Android 3.2

General productivity apps to help manage daily life.

I love Pageonce to manage my bills all in one spot. i would like something regarding tracking of kids schedules. As long as the developer was Verified with PayPal then yes I would use. I just would want some assurances they were not fly by night.
+1 for a Home Energy App.

I would purchase from Market or developer.

I do mostly email using several personas. I have been using Eudora email client for Windows for over 10 years, and love it. I would pay dearly for an Android app similar to Eudora. I like Eudora's file/mailbox structure, multiple signatures, multiple personas.

Am using a Toshiba Thrive.

Thanks for your consideration.
I have a Galaxy Tab 10.1 4G - stock
I need a music app like ForScore on the ipad.
Basically a pdf reader with markup capability like Repligo but adding jump points (set adn jump to D.S., coda, repeat bars, etc.) and also make set list of multiple songs to go from one to the next.
