Android TV Stick Devices?

The final word is that Hulu doesn't have a license to allow these devices to play their content. Not sure how this is different from any other tablet with HDMI output, but this is the final answer. Guess it may be time to cancel Hulu+ since I'm not finding a lot of content that I want anyway.
Totally frustrated with this thing right now. Sometimes Netflix works fine, sometimes not at all. And when it isn't working I have no problems watching on my Acer a500 tablet. I think the wifi in this stick thing is just junk, I know the antenna is junk. Going to try and glue an RP-SMA pigtail to the case and solder the coax down and use some kind of real antenna, hoping this fixes the issues but not going to bet money on it.
Got tired of fighting with this thing so it basically sits. Neither Hulu+ or Vudu will play videos and Netflix is hit or miss some days. But that remote is a big hit, using it now on a cheap Windows 8 media PC.