Android-x86-4.0 For The Viewpad 10


Jan 16, 2012
I have a cousin of the Viewpad 10, the Azpen X1. There is also another similar tablet named the TegaV2. There is a x86 version of ICS available for these devices, you can download it here:

Download android-x86 from

I only booted into the Live CD, and didn't install it. But it didn't have the touchscreen problems that Android-x86 3.2 had. The wireless also works fine.

Enjoy!! :)

My Tablets:

Motorola Xoom
Azpen X1
HP Touchpad
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Been using this version for a couple of weeks now, it's pretty stable and functions well but there are issues regarding the browser and email apps. Some apps also fail to install and the screen brightness cannot be changed. I appear to have a constant 'debug' flash of red around the screen when toggling menu items too. cant wait for the next release hopefully the native apps issues will be solved
Remember, most Android apps are made for ARM CPUs, and these tablets have an Intel CPU. That could be the reason for apps failing.
Been using this version for a couple of weeks now, it's pretty stable and functions well but there are issues regarding the browser and email apps. Some apps also fail to install and the screen brightness cannot be changed. I appear to have a constant 'debug' flash of red around the screen when toggling menu items too. cant wait for the next release hopefully the native apps issues will be solved
It seems my camera doesn't work either.

There is a version of android-x86-4.0.3 made for the Wetab. I booted it on my Azpen, and my camera works, and it also seems that the browser is now functioning too. I didn't try the email app.

Android ICS 4.0.3 for wetab (ENGLISH) (UPDATED) « corvusmod
Looks interesting, anyone given this a shot on a veiwpad?
You can be the first!!

You should be able to install it to a microSD card, a 4GB should be enough. You just don't want to install the GRUB bootloader to your hard drive, as that would mess things up. Maybe just boot the image as a Live CD, but you could also use a microSD or USB pen drive for that too.

I found that some apps just gave me a white screen. One of them was the terminal app, nwhich you need if you are going to hack around in this baby. Concerning that, I just noticed this comment on the corvusmod/Wepad site:
Remember to mark Use GPU for 2D in Development, or you will get a white screen.
That sounds like the problem I was having. I can't check it out, because Windows/Android is on a different hard drive, and I don't want to go thru the trouble of swapping hard drives right now.
Have tried. Everything seems working fine except it cannot detect the sd card. I guess the driver is not for Viewpad 10.
Have tried. Everything seems working fine except it cannot detect the sd card. I guess the driver is not for Viewpad 10.
This could be fixable. There is a file, vold.fstab, that tells the system how and where to mount drives, look for it here:


It is just a text file, and you should be able to open to at least read it. Here is what mine says:
dev_mount sdcard  /mnt/sdcard  auto /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-5/1-5:1.0
dev_mount usb     /mnt/USB     auto
It looks like it may be mounting the external SD card as /mnt/USB, so look for it there. You also may be able to manually mount it, using the mount command. But first you need to know what to mount. I'm not sure what command is available to check your system for available drives. More research needed on that.

Sdcard HowTo - Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86
Remember to mark Use GPU for 2D in Development, or you will get a white screen.
This seems to have fixed the problem with the white screen in the terminal apps.
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I used a different microSDHC card, and Android-x86 mounted it just fine. This one is brand-new, so it should be formatted as Fat32.

Edit: Since my problem was because my SD card wasn't properly formatted, I deleted my posts concerning it.
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Have tried. Everything seems working fine except it cannot detect the sd card. I guess the driver is not for Viewpad 10.

I have tried it as well, everything seems to work great except the SD card, it seems to use part of the SD card because I can watch the storage grow when I insert the card but only to 800MB, and it disappears when I take it out. I tried installing a blank SD card and still no dice. also when i boot from usb the Bluetooth turns on and works, but when I install it to my hard drive it won't even turn on.
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I used a different microSDHC card, and Android-x86 mounted it just fine. This one is brand-new, so it should be formatted as Fat32.

Edit: Since my problem was because my SD card wasn't properly formatted, I deleted my posts concerning it.

you mean I need to reformat the SD card to Fat32 so that the system can see my SDcard?
you mean I need to reformat the SD card to Fat32 so that the system can see my SDcard?
They usually come formatted that way. You could try to reformat it, but be aware that it will erase all of the current files on it.