Any lawyers use the transformer as your main laptop?


May 10, 2011
Was considering getting the prime in the hope that maybe I could kill two birds with one stone - a tablet for play and work. Will it suffice for word processing, pdf, opening email docs, general programs that you need as an attorney? Thanks.
if you want both, can work. can access pdf's, word doc, even use evernote and dropbox to view and edit. I tried once the teamviewer, many other apps available for timeslips etc, so on in all can work. Bet if you got it already you're playing more on it tho :)
Your single biggest problem may be pleadings, (due to formatting issues) but everything else you mentioned is very easily done. No lawyers as a TF customer but electrical contractor, engineer, doctor and more using the TF as a laptop replacement at least 90%
I'm not a lawyer but I can say that tablet for me is just on-the-go replacement of my notebook. I'm a person of habit and I like reading and typing on the real keyboard, besides, the screen isn't as big as I would like it to be.
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I'm a lawyer and have used mine to review numerous documents but I haven't used it to create or generate any.

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